Lamon Duangkamol



5 months, 20 days ago




He / him - 24 - INFJ

  • BIRTHDAY February 20th
  • RACE Thai
  • HEIGHT 5'6
  • GENDER He / Him Trans Man
  • THEME N / A

Lamon is a simple college student who majors in Photography. He moved to the USA during Elementary school because his parents wanted more job opportunities in the US. His story is about learning how to live with his roommate and to cope with the trauma caused by his childhood.


Lamon is very quiet and to himself. He doesn't do a lot of things, doesn't join clubs or hang out with people from his major, he'd rather be left alone, or that's what he thinks. Lamon tends to be extremely awkward in social settings. He does care deeply about people, he's just never had the chance or given the chance to express it due to his own self isolation.

Lamon can come off as uncaring or standoffish due to his lack of facial and body expressions. When he meets new people his first instinct is to avoid them to prevent things from being awkward because of him. He does not know how to form relationships with others due to the neglect and isolation he went through as a kid. To form relationships Lamon needs the other to initiate everything and to continue to push talking to him, but he realizes this is not how relationships work and so he just avoids them all together, because he doesn't know how to put work into it.

Lamon is still dealing with insecurities revolving around his trans identity. Though he doesn't hate himself for being trans, he's often worried about other peoples opinion about it and being viewed differently by those who know. He worries about being less in peoples eyes or that his identity makes people uncomfortable. He's still trying to get over this mentality.
  • Photography
  • Nature
  • Sweet Foods
  • Neutral Weather
  • Pastel Colors
  • Cute Things
  • Loud Music
  • Warm Weather
  • Spicy Food
  • Neon Colors
  • His Classes
  • Public Transportation
  • Social Settings
  • Tomatoes
  • Contacting Family
  • Sudden Noises
  • Unfamiliar Situations
  • Scratchy Clothes
  • HOBBY: Photography
  • HOBBY: Fashion
  • HOBBY: Trying new places to eat
  • HABIT: Self Isolation
  • HABIT: Quiet
  • HABIT: Getting distracted easily
  • STRENGTH: Due to his photography major, he can see the natural beauty in just about anyone.
  • STRENGTH: Open Minded
  • STRENGTH: Doesn't require a lot of attention.
  • WEAKNESS: Has no idea how to socialize.
  • WEAKNESS: Self Isolates.
  • WEAKNESS: Sensitive
  • SKILL: Photography
  • SKILL: Baking
  • SKILL: Has a good fashion sense.
  • Autistic and suffers from PTSD.
  • Has always wanted a cat, but never had the chance to ever have one.
  • Stims a lot by messing with his hair and accessories he wears.
  • Face Claim is Prem Warut.
  • Only really wears light and pastel clothes, has a very "cute" fashion sense.
  • His hair is a bit like a mullet or a wolfcut, short in the front but long in the back.

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Lamon was born and raised in Thailand for a lot of his childhood. His parents struggled a lot with money and were constantly working and rarely ever home, even when he was very small. Often times his parents left to work before he woke up and came back home after he had already fallen asleep.

Lamons parents were never actually mean to him, they were just extremely neglectful, leaving Lamon having to learn how to raise himself. They weren't bad, just not suited to raise a child and should have never had one in the first place. Due to not having that relationship he needed with his parents and never socialized with them, he had a very hard time socializing with other kids once he started school. He attended a school that was close by to his house so he didn't have to worry about having to rely on his parents to get him there and just walked there every day. He did this even during his first years attending school. Due to his neglect and trouble socializing, he never really made friends with the other students and often stayed to himself.

When he was in about 4th grade, his parents moved to the States to hopefully get better job opprotunities, and he started learning english. About this age is also when he started to question his gender identity and started dressing in boys clothes. Again, he still struggled to make friends, and his parents still worked, though they'd come home before he was asleep. Despite this, their relationship did not improve because often times his parents came home very late and just went to bed as soon as they got home, not even bothering asking how he was or anything about him personally.

Once he started highschool, he started to show his more masculine side more, and cut his hair. Due to his lack of socialization, he never found a need to come out to anyone, but never really hid his identity either. Not exactly in the closet but not really out and proud either. He didn't really have an opinion about it, since no one was really his friend. There were occasions where people did try to socialize and be his friend, but he had no idea how those kinds of relationships worked and often people eventually stopped talking to him since he is very quiet and never really initiated conversations with people. He basically lived his life self isolating himself. He never really knew the importance of having relationships and friendships with people since he didn't learn about being close to people from his parents.

During his teenage years, he did eventually come out to his parents when he was given the chance, and they didn't really have an opinion on it, but they weren't unaccepting. Though they claimed to be supportive, they often forgot that he even came out and often never used his name or referred to him in a masculine sense. At first Lamon was upset, but eventually got used to it and got over it. After coming out to his parents, he told his teachers, but that was about it. He wanted to socially transition.

Lamon never felt like he fit in anywhere. He felt like an outsider in every situation because of his identity and because he didn't know how to socialize and make friends. When he wasn't at school, most of the time he was just at home. He started to get into photography at first just to entertain himself, but he ended up finding himself loving it. He mostly took pictures of nature but wanted to take photos of people as well, just never had the chance to do so. During Lamon's last year of highschool, he started to physically transition.

Once Lamon finished highschool, his parents moved back to Thailand. They originally left him with the house, which left him with a few years to keep it. He spent those few years working to get enough money to get top surgery and to go to college. He did eventually go back to Thailand to get top surgery. Even though he was in the same country as his parents, they never visited him during his hospital stay or helped take care of him, and once again he was stuck taking care of himself again.

He came back to the US and after about another year of working, he was finally able to go to college. He didn't want to live in the dorms, and decided to get an appartment. He couldn't afford to live by himself and made an ad online asking for a roommate, and found someone named Rhodes who agreed to live with him. This was a very unfamiliar situation for Lamon, constantly being around someone, but it was the only way for him to afford living there.

Lamon was originally terrified of Rhodes, and kind of avoided him whenever he could due to his habit of self isolation, and the fact that Rhodes was a big alternative metalhead. Rhodes was basically opposite of Lamon, and loved socializing and invited him to dinner just about every night so they could get to know each other.


Lamon and Rhodes met when they became roommates. They both couldn't afford living on campus and on their own so Lamon went online in search of someone who he could room with. Rhodes responded and they started chatting a little before Rhodes moved in after Lamon. Their apartment was very small, only one bedroom that they shared with a bunkbed. Rhodes was very friendly with Lamon when moving in and would often ask if Lamon would want to go eat with him or hang out so they could become closer since they were roommates. He would drive both him and Lamon to and from their college, and if he was able to, he'd drive Lamon anywhere he needed to go. Originally Lamon was very inimidated by him and did want to avoid him, but Rhodes made it very hard to avoid him and eventually Lamon ended up being happy with being around him.

Rhodes and Lamon developed a very strong bond. They're both learning how to be emotionaly vulnerable with someone and learning to fully open up to another person and be intimate with them, even in a platonic way. Even before getting together they would often go do things together that would seem like a date and was very affectionate. Lamon helped Rhodes cope with the problems he didn't even realize he had.

After they got together, their relationship didn't really change much other than being more romantic(?) Rhodes loves to be affectionate and show pda when they're out together.


Lamon and Amphai met because Amphai and Rhodes were friends and often hung out together. Amphai was the first out of Rhodes friends Lamon felt comfortable around because Amphai is also thai and can speak thai. Lamon and Amphai often talked to each other in Thai and would talk about things they couldn't in english. Amphai was the only one of Rhodes friends he opened up about his feelings towards Rhodes to.


Jeremy is also one of Rhodes freinds. Like all of his friends, Lamon was very intimidated by him at first, but the more time Lamon spent around him the more comfortable he became. Though they never got super close, Lamon still likes his presence and eventually finds comfort in it. He likes his tattoos and likes to hear storires that he has.


Jed and Lamon met because Jed is Amphai's boyfriend and another one of Rhodes' friends. Lamon and Jed never got close either, since Jed was mostly just there accompanying Amphai when they all went out. Jed never intimidated him in the same way that Rhodes' other friends did, and they both liked each other and got along well. Jed's feminine and soft quiet personality comforted Lamon.


Lamon was never close with his parents, and their relationship never really improved. After his parents moved back to Thailand they rarely kept in contact with Lamon. When they did call him, they never really asked how he was and only really talked about themselves and never gave him a chance to talk about himself or what was going on in his life. Lamon does not like his parents and he'd rather they never call him.