


5 months, 28 days ago



Full Name Unknown
Gender Female (she/her)
Age 27
Birthday July 17th
Height 183cm (6ft)
Species Monkey
Occupation Food Delivery Driver


Jester possesses a strange yet eye-catching appearance true to her name that tends to draw people in. The fourth member of the Ragtags, she encountered the group by chance and promptly joined them on a whim.

In her everyday life, Jester works as a food delivery driver on rollerblades within the business district of Central City. However, this seemingly ordinary job serves as a cover for her true profession—she is an informant. Outgoing, silver-tongued and cunning, she masks her true intentions by adopting the persona of a ditzy and naive young woman. In this role, she uses her charm and wit to extract valuable information from her unsuspecting customers, which she then reports to her various underground connections, including the Ragtags.


Jester lives by the motto “do whatever it takes.” Born on the far reaches, her early life was characterized by bullying and rejection due to her strange appearance. At age twelve, she made the decision to flee her home Island, snuck onto a train headed for the Center, and never looked back.

Despite having arrived in Central City with virtually nothing, Jester defied all odds, and clawed her way up through rather dubious, borderline illegal means. From scamming individuals to getting involved with various underground groups—many of which she still keeps in contact with—there's little she hasn't done, earning her the title of a true survival expert. While she once despised the curious looks her appearance garnered, over time, Jester learned to leverage this attention to her advantage, transforming her weakness into her biggest strength.

Well-aware of her feminine charm, Jester cranks it up to eleven, unabashedly hitting on just about anyone if it means she’ll be rewarded with information, money, or favors.

She prides herself on being a street smart person—her attendance at school on her home Island was sporadic, and upon arriving in Central City, she never bothered to pursue further education. Even so, she firmly believes she possesses all the knowledge she needs and, if the situation demands, is more than capable of conducting her own research. She is also quick to pick up new knowledge by eavesdropping and observing others out on the city streets. Information gathering is undoubtedly her forte, but the rest of her skill set is quite unorthodox as well, and includes lockpicking, fraud, stealthiness, and pickpocketing.

The moniker 'Jester' is merely a nickname that stuck, derived from her appearance—her real name, she has never shared with anyone.


  • Card games
  • Booze
  • Ruining rich peoples lives


  • Beer
  • Being underestimated
  • Weaklings




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