Evander Aragon



5 months, 27 days ago


Evander Aragon

He/They | Trans | Elf-Dragon


Evander my beloved ♥️ 

A dragon that can turn into an elf, His first transformation forced by an attack chiping away one of his back spikes,,

He thinks it's a curse, and for that reason cant turn back into a dragon,, but let him think that for a while, he'll realize it's not that bad,, and will regain that shifting ability,,

Until then he is the stupidest elf alive uncultured but you can't blame them,, /lh (I am in no way hating on him,, I love them so much, he is the silliest guy,,)

He's stubborn, can't read 😭, doesn't understand elves standards and expectations,, but he's got ambition, is charismatic, audacious, and kind overall to those who dont mistreat him,

People have been taught to hate dragons and think of them as a threat and a danger,, and even when he became an elf and were unaware of what he really was,, people still judged him, especially guards that just saw him as the stupid new citizen, mocking him where Evander could still hear them,,

Most other than Einar, one of the only guards that actually didn't disrespect him and make fun of them,, So Evander unconsciously sticks around him,,

They like candles, to much, and uses all his found currency to buy one from a old lady merchant that sells them, and later likes to help her make some,,

I have drawn him as a dragon,,,, but not sure if I'll add colour anytime soon since, I gave him to many details,, but one day mayhaps,, might also simplify and change the dragon design so,,

Also,, he,, doesn't like wearing shirts,, 😐 and has been asked to put one too many times, refusing every time, Real ones know not to ask him to put one on anymore,,