Emeriq P. Sp'tutaten



9 months, 5 days ago


Emeriq Pierre Sp'tutaten - Male (He/Him)
info - about
Alias Spade
species Egyptian Cobra
Orientation Bisexual
Height 162 cm
Age Late 30s
Affiliation The House
Role CEO, Public Relations

Spade, the undisputed maestro of charm in Nexus, holds court as the ultimate rizzler, enchanting the entire nation with a charisma that's nothing short of magical. Unapologetically queer, he possesses a magnetic allure that can turn even the most unsuspecting onlooker a little gay with just a glance. However, his true artistry lies in the realm of public relations, a skill that, alongside his wife, has shrouded Nexus in a veil of secrecy.

Charisma - Jann
docx - story

A master manipulator of public consciousness, Spade flaunts opulence effortlessly, draped in the glint of gold as if it were a second skin. His magical affiliation remains an enigma, hidden behind the dazzling display of moves that defy conventional casting.

The Hellcat

Zuriel, however, harbors a profound disdain for Spade, finding himself constantly outflirted and outshone by the seductive serpent. "Let them eat cake" Spade says, everyone thinking it is a mere metaphor, Zuriel fully knowing the speech is about asses. Every discussion with Spade leaves Zuriel teetering on the brink of either succumbing to his charms or throttling him in frustration, an uncertain dance that keeps Nexus guessing. Amidst the shimmering gold and swirling allure, the question lingers—will Zuriel succumb to the siren song of Spade's charms, or will their relationship forever hang in the balance between desire and disdain? The answer, much like Spade's magic, remains an enticing mystery.
Thanks to Inkantlers for the bio <3

Info - trivia

Always decked out in polished golden jewelry

Normally has some kind of smoke scent on him. Often smells sweet...

Thin and agile, has been known to close gaps between himself and onlookers in mere seconds

Has suits in his wardrobe, but why bother when he looks so dashing in a simple shirt?

A massive flirt, but it's mainly just for fun. Very, very devoted to his wife

gallery - aesthetic
Gallery - design
Skin Purple
hair Black
eyes Electric Blue

Jewelry can be changed, but must ALWAYS be gold

The katana, if not on him, is normally somewhere near him

Pattern of the shirt doesn't need to remain the same, but he's almost always wearing the same style

Tail is wrapped at base for warmth and stability, colours may change but wrapping is a must

contacts - relationships
Angeline WIFE

My beloved wife, my partner in life and in crime. She's a near constant by my side, and I wouldn't have it any other way. She protects me from the more... Aggressive, individuals that lurk about. She can read people like an open book.


Aten'Nui, a royal pain in my ass most times. Though, I must admit that toying with his temper is highly amusing. I recognize the risks that come with tampering with this bomb, but please, you should see how worked up he gets.


My little Lily, sweet and delicate as her name. My love and I adopted her after the latest blaze, as she lost most of her life to it. Others have said there was a "better pick", but I would not trade her even for the world left at my feet.


An unexpected arrival, but a much welcome one. We've grown close over the years, and with that comes trust. Plenty of it. They keep an eye on the cities for myself and Angeline, in return we shield them from... Less understanding folk.

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