Kai Nyein



9 months, 4 days ago


Kai Nyein

Called KK

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Sexuality Demisexual

Age 25

DOB June 5th

Occupation Spiritualist

Residence TBD

Theme Synchronize

HTML Pinky


"Hide your eyes, darling. People can see your heart through them."


Kai was never one to talk, always watch. He owns a store called ‘Mind Waves’. He sells everything from crystals to incenses, but also keeps his door open to those who just want to talk.

Whether people need a reading from a deck or just someone to listen, Kai will be there for them in a heartbeat.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


Height 5'10"

Build Lanky

Eyes Grey

Skin Tone Almond

Hair Color Black (Ends dip-dyed blue)

Hair Style Long, Half up in a bun

Ethnicity Black and Japanese

Demeanor Quiet, Peaceful, Observant

Power Status Has Powers

Primary God Jericho


  • PIERCINGS: septum, ear lobe, lip (medusa and vertical labret)
  • TATTOOS: evil eye sun with abstract line on his throat, moon and stars right shoulder, three dots on his right middle finger, three triangles on his left pointer finger
  • SCARS: N/A
  • MISC: eyes shimmer a soft blue when using his power



Commune Can speak freely with the Gods. Is aware of their presense and who they are.


Confidential Is not allowed to speak of what they discussed or that he knows them.

'C'mERE buddy!' Sometimes the Gods show up completely unannounced.



Music Being constantly inspired by others has its benefits. Some days it’s hard to put the guitar down. Other days are spent softly humming random notes that pop into his head. Though he tries not to sing in front of others, it’s easy to walk in on him doing just that.

Interior Design Constantly on the lookout for little knickknacks and bobbles, it’s not out of the ordinary for Kai to return to his apartment with another trinket. He likes collecting an assortment of pins and miniature figures.

Writing He’s constantly writing down his thoughts and observations he makes throughout the day. It’s something interesting to look back on when the days seem dark.

Platonic Touches A shoulder bump, a quick kiss on the cheek or a long hug. No matter what it is, it makes him feel warm inside.


Bright Lights Too much. Too bright. Overstimulating.

Caffeine Why would you want all of that energy when you are going to waste it all anyway? Decaf is where it's at.

Disrespect Being rude is a choice and an easy one to avoid.

Selfishness We are all here together. Fighting only for yourself is cruel not just to yourself but to everyone around you.


Zodiac Gemini

Tarot Card The High Priestess

Scents Lavender, Patchouli and Pepper

Sounds White Noise, Waterfalls

Plants Hyssop

Food + Drink Sesame Beef and Mushroom Dumplings, Blueberry and Jasmine Decaf Green Tea

Motifs Crystals, Dusk, Lapis Lazuli, Steam


Social Kai is a listener, not a talker. He is autistic and doesn't show emotions on his face. However, he is at his happiest when he is around people and loves going out to public places, as long as the lights aren't TOO bright.

Wealth He is not wealthy by any means, but is comfortable. He puts many of his extra money back into his business, hoping to make Mind Waves as comfortable as a space as possible for his visitors. However, he does occassionly spluge on his evergrowing scrunchie and sunglasses collections.

Vehicle Indian Scout, Navy Blue (Though he prefers walking)

Home One bedroom apartment above Mind Waves with a small balcony.



Esper Holloway

Best Friend

They work next door to each other and immediately hit it off. They can easily talk for hours about whatever pops into their heads, going until the incense burns out. When Esper was attacked by Moor's men, Kai was the first one to the scene, dropping everything when he heard the commotion. His biggest regret isn't getting there sooner and silently lives with the guilt of it all.




Always knowing to prepare a cup of tea when he shows up, Kai knows that when this God shows up, the conversations will be engaging. He always looks forward to seeing him appear.




........ This God on the other hand is a loose cannon. Never one to announce their arrival, they love showing up at the most inconvenient times. Despite this, Kai can't help but feel a little attached to them.


Chip Xanosa

Life Partner

Originally he was just the cute barista that worked for Esper. After a few months of pleasant back and forths, it became something more. Such a tiny drop of color brightened up Kai's whole world.