Gaetano Gatto



4 months, 14 days ago


Tabaxi bard, college of glamour

lil guy (4 ft tall)


Originally being from the town of Ferlith, you are unfazed by most of the strangest magic there is. Although the memories seem fuzzy, you recall small flashes of them: bathing in a spring that magically heals injuries when you ran too fast in the forest and got scrapped, playing in clouds of mist with nymphs, chasing fireflies in vivid forests of wonder. But somewhere along the line, your memories all seem to jumble and cut off abruptly, occasionally in your sleep you are haunted with blurry unrecognizable faces.   

After the abrupt stop in your memories, all you seem to remember is the casino, wandering the floors entertaining the rich drunk guests as you go, frolicking sometimes feeling as if you are in a haze and not in control of your body. Occasionally the boss will enter the casino, looking human and with a sickeningly sweet grin, but when the casino closes you see the real boss, Don Vinchino, a vampire who deals in a lot of bad. Working for the whim of Don Vinchino and aiding in the money schemes that he masterminds.  

Of his bad deeds you would have seen and perhaps helped with the most notable is him taking children from the town although you don't know what he does to them or where they go, but when they enter his office they don't reappear. He is a supplier of the drug Scarlet haze, which at the casino you have seen the effects of first hand, and they are not pretty.  You’ve stood by and watched him kill many of those who have crossed him and you helped haul weapons and poisons to be delivered to somewhere you don't know. One curious thing that you have noticed is that once a month Don Vinchino leaves the casino and you have no clue where he goes.   

At some point, knowing that he may be trapped in the casino forever, Gaetano planned his escape, a mix of deception, illusion, and luck. He fled to Heartleaf with few coin and an uncertain fate, fearful of the beings that pursue him to silence the unsavory secrets about the casino he holds.  

Gaetano wishes to understand his magic- how to use it as a positive force, how to captivate minds with performance, (not the charm person spell), and where it all came from. Where *he* came from.