
6 months, 1 day ago

Basic Info


Agender afab, he/him, unlabeled sexuality


24, white, 5’7


(Rewritten and resigned version of Zane from MyStreet)

  • Autistic, struggles with social cues, and phrases
  • Has sensory issues, and self confidence issues, which is why he wears his mask constantly (Only will take it off while he sleeps/showers or if he need to take it off for whatever reason)
  • Only person who he lets see his face is Aph
  • Struggles between romantic and platonic feelings
  • Anti social, but wants to make friends (Only real close friend he has is Aniko)
  • Is very overprotective and jealous over Aniko because he’s scared of losing her, crushes on her hard for a long time, but pushes away his feelings
  • Hyperfixated on MLP, collects anything related (Pinkie Pie is his favorite character)
  • Big animal lover (cats are his favorite animal)
  • Has a complicated/rough relationship with his brothers (he loves them, but pushes them away)
  • Feels like he has to live up to others expectations, especially his parents, but has given up over the years thinking that he will never achieve that (a main reason he pushes away his brother Garroth)
  • Likes to draw, but is too embarrassed of his art to show anyone
  • Loves sweets, cupcakes are his favorite treat, bakes a lot with Niki