Sviat Wolfe



6 months, 7 days ago



Name Sviat Wolfe

Gender AMAB-Intersex

Pronouns They

Resides Limsa Lominsa

Species Viera

Height 5'8"

Build Curvy

Hair Raptor Blue (with slightly-greyish Qiqirn Brown highlights)

Eyes Pastel Purple

Sexuality Into women almost exclusively

Occupation WoL/Summoner


*Came from a Viera village that treated makeup/jewelry like how ancient Egyptian royalty treated it, making makeup and jewelry in vogue for both girls and boys who were pocket-padded enough to afford such

*Inspired by the mist lore from FFTA2 and XII (such as in FFTA2, areas with strong mist concentrations produce enhanced monsters and in XII, Fran is sensitive to high mist areas), they're both fine-tuned to aether but are sensitive to places with a lot of strong aether such as the Carteneau Flats

*This is a double-edged sword, this made them a strong summoner but spending longer time in strong aether-aspected places makes them feel ill; producing symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and occasionally worse things like nausea

*It may also be their own aether is easily malleable for sexual/kink reasons, this goes with the thought of I'm debating making them slightly enby simply in-lore by product of environment (being a viera and having grown up in a matriarchal society) and intentionally making them having initially no idea of both their sexual identity and self-personhood both IC as to tie in the WoL having potential amnesia and since I'm still defining central ideas, make them mallaeble for RP development

*Males do exist in their tribe but due to extreme environmental selective pressure (harsh environments, over-abundance of predators, food sources that entailed a high risk of mortality, poisonous flora, etc) eventually forced accidentally beneficial adaptions, most are born intersex causing the tribe to overall have more reproductive fitness

*The tribe is less screwed if the sex ratio dwindles severely, the males are more capable of bearing children and it just so happens over 50% of the females have male reproductive organs due to the adaption

*The tribe follows 'it takes a village' strongly

*Communal, very close-knit, everyone knows everyone and both sexes are proficient in multiple ways, such as the males are taught how to sew or cook so that no members of a household slack so even a family-unit with one mother can take well care of their children and make sure their multiple children are able to properly look after their siblings whether in an absence or not

*The tribe shames dead weight/laziness so that if you can't put for the tribe in a meaningful way, you probably don't deserve the shade to rest on or even the scraps from a hunt