Chikurin-in [竹林院]



5 months, 29 days ago



Character Information
  • Ōtani
  • Azai
  • Toyotomi
  • Sanada
  • Western Army
165 cm (5'5")
Su yari
Historical Information
Real Name
Japanese Name
June 27, 1649

Chikurin-in (竹林院) is the daughter of Yoshitsugu and the wife of Yukimura. She is said to have been very beautiful, and is known for supporting her family in exile by creating and selling Sanada-himo ribbons.

In-game, her father and sister refer to her as Take (竹), while the others refer to her as Chikurin. Akemi also calls her "ane ue" (姉上), an archaic way to say "older sister."

Role in Games


Chikurin was a little older than Akemi when her mother died, and had to be a mother figure to her sister. She became a bit bitter that this role was thrust upon her when she was only a child and she could never be as free spirited as Akemi was. While she was always a mature young girl, she may have turned out differently if she hadn't had to take it upon herself to grow up and be the woman of the house. People outside of the family sometimes mistook Chikurin for a young mother of her sister, which bothered her immensely. However, she and Akemi grew quite close despite Chikurin having to discipline her often, and they told each other their greatest secrets, worries, and their hopes and dreams.

Yoshitsugu joined the local Azai clan when she was young, and she instantly took up training with the su yari. At first, she did it only in secret, training with Oichi, who was someone she respected as both a noblewoman and a warrior. This way when she finally asked her father if she could become a warrior, she could prove that she could handle it by showing off a flawless technique. He agreed to allow her to go into battle, but would watch over her often despite her skill.

Chikurin grew up very close with the Azai clan and saw them as part of her family, especially Oichi.

Samurai Warriors 4

After the siege of Odani Castle and subsequent death of Nagamasa Azai, the Ōtani family leaves Oumi and joins the Toyotomi army. Yoshitsugu arranges for Chikurin to be adopted by Hideyoshi to solidify their alliance, which angers her because she had no say in it. She doesn't want to be just some object her father uses within his strategies. Yoshitsugu tells her that this is what must be done and it's her obligation as his child to do what he thinks is best for the family. Even though she goes through with it this strains their relationship, and it causes him to reconsider such matters.

Her life is further turned when Hideyoshi arranges a political marriage between her and Yukimura Sanada of the Sanada clan. Before, even though she had been officially adopted she still lived with and was close to her bio family, but now she would have to leave Settsu to live with her husband and his family in Ueda. This angers her to the point where when she is told, she storms out of the room, again upset that she's never consulted on such matters and only used as a pawn. When Akemi goes to ask her what's wrong and tries to comfort her, Chikurin lashes out and scares her off. Eventually Yoshitsugu goes to her and tells her that while the marriage is to strengthen an alliance, she does not have to change the loyalties in her heart and she will always be welcome if she runs away or is sent back home, and that if she chooses to leave, he will defend her decision. Chikurin does not reply or give any reaction, and at first her father thinks she is still angry and goes to leave. However, she was touched by what he said and how Yoshitsugu has changed somewhat. The next day she speaks to him again and agrees to accept her duty, deciding that it is time to move on and be more independent with a new family, knowing that she will always have a home with her family in Settsu. With this, she also requests one thing of him: that he should never accept an arranged marriage for Akemi. Akemi had previously told Chikurin that she felt no romantic feelings towards anyone and would feel extremely uncomfortable being married, even if it was a political marriage and romantic affections weren't expected of her. He agrees, and her own marriage goes through as planned.

Chikurin finds Yukimura uninteresting and annoying at first, but grows to tolerate him as he is kind to her despite her demeanor and respects her. Despite her personality, others in the clan like Kunoichi, Ina, and Nobuyuki grow to respect her for her skill in battle and her stoic nature in the face of danger, and she learns to respect them as well. Ina even offers to train with her and while she accepts reluctantly at first, she finds her a respectable ally and fighter.

The Sanada clan is divided at the prospect of Sekigahara, with some joining the Tokugawa and some staying with the Toyotomi. Chikurin is unsure of what to do at first, because she knows Mitsunari is unlikely to defeat the Tokugawa and it would be most logical to join the Eastern army. However, she ultimately has more loyalty to her family and knows they will not defect, so she stays with the Western army. She defends Ueda Castle against Hidetada Tokugawa's forces trying to use it as a path to the main forces at Sekigahara. Chikurin's main victories are the defeat of Munenori Yagyū and his ninja unit, as well as Ina. Ina tries to convince her to defect to the Eastern army, saying that the Tokugawa stability will be much better for her, and Chikurin almost considers it, but she remembers her life with the Toyotomi and how her heart can never change its loyalty to it. She wordlessly defeats Ina in one final strike and leaves her behind.

After the Western army's defeat, Chikurin is captured. Feeling that something is wrong, she demands to see her sister, and when this is refused she escapes her guards and searches for her. Chikurin finds Akemi sobbing in the corner of a room with Takatora at her side and at first thinks he hurt her, and she starts yelling at him and trying to pull him away from her sister. Through her tears, Akemi manages to stop her and tell her the truth: Yoshitsugu committed seppuku and died at Sekigahara. Chikurin is in shock, then regret at how she never got to mend or even really see her father in his final days. But she knows she, as usual, must be the strong one in this situation, so she stays with Akemi, holding in her arms and not protesting once.

After Sekigahara, the remaining Western army soldiers are either killed, integrated into the Tokugawa, or exiled. Yukimura is exiled to Mount Kōya and Chikurin departs with him. However, Yukimura grows restless and wants to leave and assist the remaining Toyotomi forces at Osaka. Chikurin thinks it's a stupid idea and refuses to go. They have a huge argument that culminates in Chikurin storming off from their home and deciding to not return to what she finds to be a foolish husband. Because she is still in exile, she cannot go to her sister, who was integrated into the Tokugawa. She soon happens upon a Buddhist temple and becomes a nun. Sometimes she thinks back to a time when she had a family and more adventurous life, and wonders if appealing to join the Tokugawa would be better. After all, Ina promised that she would like the stability there. But she ultimately decides that here in the temple she can truly have the kind of stability and routine that she loves most.

A few years later, a weary ronin stumbles upon the convent looking for a place to rest. Chikurin goes to tend to them and finds that the traveler is her own sister, now more grown up. At first, she tries to convince her to stay in the temple with her, but quickly realizes that it wouldn't be good for Akemi like it is for her. Knowing they will probably never meet again, Chikurin gives Akemi her red hair ribbons as a keepsake to remember her by. She also uses her old Sanada robe to shield her sister from the rain as she escorts her out, knowing that Akemi hates the rain.


Chikurin is a severe young woman with a dislike of chaos. Unlike her little sister, she is very independent from her father, and they often interact as equals rather than parent and child due to her parentification. However, she overall has a lot of pride for her family, which is why even when she marries into the Sanada clan she continues to wear her Ōtani armor beneath.

She thinks very highly of her looks, having kept them up all by herself her entire life and cultivating a lovely persona, but believes herself to have a personality that drives people away and that her father and sister only love her out of familial obligation. To an extent, her observations are true: she is distrusting, secretive, stoic, and cold. Along with her resting scowl and her bluntness, she tends to turn people off of her at first. However, she is kind when it counts and has a fierce will to protect, which is what her family adores her for (along with her brusque and harsh side).

Because she is so prickly, she doesn't get along well with many others. Most everyone finds her very moody. Due to her marriage to Yukimura being a political one, she doesn't feel the need to be very close to him and is only tolerant with him on a very surface level. The same goes for her adoption by Hideyoshi, which was also a political move. Many say if it were not for her personality, she would be the ideal woman because of her beauty.

Chikurin is a hard worker and very dedicated to all that she does. She hates to fail and hates even more to be seen failing at something. She is less of a leader type, preferring to be either an advisor or a whip. With her younger sister she is pretty strict, but will ultimately defer to the ruling of someone with more authority than her. However, she can hold her own and doesn't like to be controlled without at least getting a say in it.


  • "Do you have any idea what would've happened to you and Father if you'd accidentally revealed anything in those letters? Do you?! You can't just keep writing them!"

"Take, give it back! That's not yours! I was going to send it to Takatora!"

"Takatora isn't with us anymore. You're lucky I don't burn this but I very well might! Stop being sentimental and grow up!"

~~ Chikurin and Akemi

  • "When Yukimura stops being annoying in a husband way and starts being annoying in a 'gets on my nerves like my sister does' way, then maybe I'll consider caring about him."
  • "What did you do to my sister?! Don't think I won't wring your guts out like that wet towel you're so proud of!"

  • "Hah, how time flies. When did you find the time while growing up to be so harsh?"

"Would you say that if I was your wife and her [Akemi's] mother?"

"What a crude thing to say."

"I'll try to be nicer when I actually have children, then."

~~ Yoshitsugu and Chikurin

Historical Information

Chikurin-in was born in either 1579 or 1580. In her childhood, she was known as Takehime (竹姫), as well as Akihime (安岐姫) and Riyohime (利世姫). She was Yoshitsugu Ōtani's daughter (she is also debated to be his niece), but at some point she was adopted by Hideyoshi Toyotomi as her father was under his service.

In 1594, a political marriage between her and Yukimura Sanada was arranged to ensure an alliance between the Toyotomi and the Sanada. Four years later, Hideyoshi died and Japan was divided in two. Chikurin and her husband joined the Western coalition with Mitsunari Ishida.

After the Battle of Sekigahara, in which the Western army lost, Yukimura and Chikurin were exiled to Mount Koya in the Kii Peninsula. While in exile, they had either two or three sons (Daisuke, Daihachi, and debatably Yukichika) and four daughters (Oume, Akuri, Oshobu, and Okane). It is said that living on the mountain was difficult, so she made use of the tsumugi technique to create the Sanada-himo ribbon and had the vassals sell them to earn a living.

Yukimura left exile to fight in the Summer Siege of Osaka, but died. Afterwards, Chikurin and her daughter Akuri were found in hiding by the lord of Kii and handed over to the Tokugawa in Kyoto. However, both of their lives were spared, and Chikurin became a nun. Her dharma name was Chikurin-inden-baikei-eishun-daishi (竹林院殿梅渓永春大姉).

She died in Kyoto on June 27, 1649.


  • Her design is meant to be similar (but not too similar) to Lady Muramatsu, as they were both noblewomen of the Sanada clan.
  • She likes looking at the ocean, writing and calligraphy, cold & damp weather, routines, and cats.
  • She dislikes people touching her hair, singing, naps, and birds.
  • She is asexual and panromantic.
  • Her weapon's design is meant to reference the tassles on her father's hat.
  • Credit for this template goes to dvdexe!