


5 years, 10 months ago


Name: Zydan

Nickname(s): Z or Danny

Gender: Male

Age: 25 years

Species: Centaur (Design based off of the Fjord horse breed)

Status: Single

Residence: Traveler

Back Story: N/A (for now)

Personality: Zydan is a very serious and emotionless character, at least, he tries. 

He can't really keep a straight face for very long and finds the smallest of things hilarious. 

Once he starts laughing it's hard to get him to stop. His party hard personality clearly contrasts him wanting to look wise and serious. 

He's not a heartless man and doesn't laugh at someone's death, when any of his friends pass away he takes it very seriously.

Only when traveling or in a more calmer environment around friends, he's the one that brings a smile to everyone's faces with his stupid jokes and actions. 

Though his jokes tends not to be like by all, causing him to get in trouble sometimes.

Fun facts:

Zydan hates bunnies, in fact, he's quite scared of them. It's a long story.

Zydan finds it rather hurtful when people insult his butt or calls it ugly.

Zydan doesn't think twice a lot, making him easy to manipulate and trick...

Zydan is quite strong but isn't the smartest person out there.

Zydan cannot art to save his life though he claims he's the master of... "abstract" pieces.

Zydan sometimes keeps his hair up in a pony tail so it doesn't get in his face (He also refuses to cut his hair and if he's forced to he'll kick you're face in)

Zydan is always very open to strangers no matter how shady they appear.

Zydan does not know how to play video games/is very bad at them.

Isn't very interested in finding a loved one and 'friendzones' pretty much everyone.

Loves his guns, Tokotas and everything that's wild.

Sleeps in with only undies on.

Hates having disabilities...