


5 months, 25 days ago



Harengon bard monk

Name: Frostwhisper


"Frostwhisper" nicknamed for now, as she keeps her real name a secret, a Harengon of "noble" lineage, (some saying an Offsrping of the "famous" Bunnymund bloodline" once lived a tranquil life in the secluded village of "Eldergrove" in a lovely village nestled high in the mountains. She was known for her exceptional skills as a cook, her enchanting bardic performances with the violin her father made for her, and her passion for blacksmithing (partly to make artisitic things to sell) . However, tragedy struck when an unknown force attacked the village, leaving devastation in its wake. In a desperate attempt to defend her people, She fought valiantly but suffered the loss of a leg during the brutal conflict, along the scar on her face (left side of her eye, and part of her ear and arm)

The attackers were a faction of dark sorcerers seeking a powerful artifact hidden in Eldergrove. This artifact, known as the "Shard of Twarn" held the key to unlocking forbidden magic. The sorcerers believed that by harnessing its power, they could reshape the world according to their twisted ambitions.

Motivated by greed and a thirst for dominance, the dark sorcerers mercilessly attacked Eldergrove, eliminating anyone who stood in their way. Her village was an unfortunate casualty in their relentless pursuit of the Shard, costing many lives in the process. She was badly injured and drifted in the rivers, beeing found and healed, she was discovered by compassionate elefantlike beings named Loxodon, who nursed her back to health.
She didn´t want to remain and wanted to return to the village to see to her family, friends and village. For now having a Loxodon named Garith Ivorytusk who accompanies her to bring her safe to the village. Seeing the destruction and chaos. Her first goal was her home. In chaos and destruction, it seemed all was lost. Not many survived, some had fled and others were taken hostage in order for questioning and captivity.
Unbeknownst to the villagers, the Harengon Elder community of Eldergrove had safeguarded the artifact for generations, which she then had knowledge on location. Unaware of its true significance. Her quest for revenge is now intricately tied to uncovering the secrets of the Shard and preventing its misuse by those who would bring chaos to the world.
Mainly first goal to find those who did this and make them pay along freeing those who were captured.
Unknown to her, after blasting the Elders how they simply hid and not helped, they placed the shard at night within her after enchanting her. The Loxodon discovered this and reasoned with the Elders. Seeing the purpose, he then agreed to help keep it a secret. A reason to keep it safe as the evil ones said to return. In order to protect, they let it be within.
Garith vowed not to tell and train. 

While she was in the mountains above ordered by the Loxodon to rest and heal (mentally and physically), she coulnd´t just "sit and wait and do nothing" feeling at loss, wanting to go. Upon silently trying to leave, another elder Loxodon gave her a soft talk. Giving her meditation and impressed by her determination, they introduced her to the ways of monkhood and provided her with a prosthetic leg. Now, driven by a deep sense of loss and the desire for justice, She embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind the attack on Eldergrove and to avenge her fallen kin while finding and freeing the remaining of her village.

(Summarized better)

Frostwhisper, a Harengon of noble lineage, once lived a serene life in the secluded village of Eldergrove, nestled high in the mountains. Known for her exceptional skills as a cook, her enchanting bardic performances, and her passion for blacksmithing, tragedy struck when an unknown force attacked her village, leaving devastation in its wake. In a desperate attempt to defend her people, she fought valiantly but suffered the loss of a leg and sustained severe scars from the brutal conflict.

The attackers were dark sorcerers seeking a powerful artifact hidden in Eldergrove, the Shard of Twarn, which held the key to unlocking forbidden magic. Motivated by greed and thirst for dominance, they mercilessly attacked the village, costing many lives. Frostwhisper, badly injured, was discovered and healed by compassionate Loxodon beings named Garith Ivorytusk, who nursed her back to health.

Determined to return to her village, Frostwhisper discovered its devastation upon her return. Her quest for revenge became intricately tied to uncovering the secrets of the Shard and preventing its misuse. Unbeknownst to her, the Elders had enchanted the Shard within her to protect it, a secret kept by Garith and the Loxodon community. Garith vowed to train and protect her.

Though initially restless, Frostwhisper was persuaded by an elder Loxodon to embrace monkhood and was provided with a prosthetic leg. Driven by loss, justice, and a desire to free her captured kin, Frostwhisper embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind the attack on Eldergrove while seeking to avenge her fallen villagers and safeguard the world from the dark sorcerers' ambitions.


To Bunnymund: (A.k.a "Pookas!)

This info is taken from the Books and placed in Story.
"Frostwhisper" is a descendent long generation without knowing since rare.

Descendants/ Grand
Peter Cottontail and E. Aster Bunnymund

Pooka have incredible powers. They are able to stop time travelers from disturbing the past. They are also able to shape a planet and create continents. They are skilled in martial arts and are able to  increased their power by eating chocolate. The effect of eating chocolate can be different each time as they can grow multiple arms or increase their size to tremendous levels.

Their powers are so advanced that Pitch recognizes Bunnymund's battle cry and said that the battle with the Pookas was the battle he almost lost. (Pitch Black as in Nightmares)

William Joyce revealed that Pookas have a very short childhood like a day long, but they pack a lot into that day. William also revealed that Pookas are even more like "Vulcans" than Spock. They are emotionally awkward and aloof. Pookas also only mate once every millennium. 

Pitch, the Nightmare King, and his Fearlings had been soundly driven back by Nicholas St. North and company in the first Guardians’ adventure. But now Pitch has disappeared completely—and out of sight does NOT make for out of mind. It seems certain that he’s plotting a particularly nefarious revenge, and the Guardians suspect he might have gone underground. But how can they find him there?

Enter E. Aster Bunnymund, the only emissary of the fabled brotherhood of the  Pookas—the league of philosophical warrior rabbits of imposing intellect and size. Highly skilled in martial arts (many of which he invented himself), Bunnymund is brilliant, logical, and a tunnel-digger extraordinaire. If the Guardians need paths near the Earth’s core, he’s their Pooka. He’s also armed with magnificent weapons of an oval-sort, and might just be able to help in the quest for the second  piece of the Moonclipper.

This second book in The Guardians series is about much more than fixing a few rotten eggs—it brings the Guardians one step closer to defeating  Pitch

(Pitch used to be a loving dad and was seeking his daughter after the whole  "golden Age"  thing where the Koopas have almost been whiped out. Pitch was corrupted by Fearlings and became the Nightmare King. Taking beautiful dreams and replacing them with horrible nightmares. 

E. (Info from books)
Fearlings and Dimm (daughter of Pitch) along with Grimm (brother of Dimm and son of Pitch)-seek out the Guardians and all Offspring to get rid of them in order to "free" their father. While influencing others to join them. Making it the "Feared Cult or Dark Cult"
gathering the Shards in order to place together and free their father from the heavy prison.
(The Shards together form the moonkey, containing strong magic to unlock any lock)


To her:

Having a nightmare, means there is a Fearling or enemy closeby.

-Her ears are flexible and can be up or relaxed down (hearing very well)
-fear of heights and can´t swim (yet)
-Her nose is sensitive and can pick up scents she smelled before.
- Fur (and skin) remain a lovley brown,  while in winter (or on easter) the fur turns blue-grey ish as well as her hair (seeing it slowly turn white is a good sign of either winter is coming or Easter.
- Can run on all fours and able to take others on her back (if she likes them)
- Enjoys making desserts, goods and chocolate as well since learned from the mother (which later unlocks some of the abilities like Pooka´s have) like growing humanoid or were beast size
- fur changes with weather
- changes appearance later on as she "levels up" (grows) as the air and surrounding outside the village is completley different, making her a tall Harengon (Pooke combo) Due to the chocolate she later makes can regulate the size and appearance later on. Which comes in pretty handy. 


Family and the secrets

Beeing the oldest of her siblings, she noticed a lil difference in her siblings and herself but never questioned it. It came to a point Frostwhisper found a hidden chest with items. One of them beeing a bumerang. A remembrance from something familiar.
Until the mother approached and with the father, telling the truth.

The Truth: 

The mother had encountered one of the Bunnymund´s Pooka in the other region who saved her and instantly found it appealing. Learning the tricks and chocolate making secret and techniques. To a point the Bunnymund and her were close. Asking on an Offspring and for them to be together. A moment of cute passion turned later to a lil chaos. Once pregnant, Nightmares army attacked the Pookas, having her fled and seperated from the Bunnymund she was with. Seeing as he said she should hide for now to protect their unborn child. With her fleeing to another region, landing in the village they are now and awaiting the return of the Bunnymund. But never came back. She got together with another bun who helped her through, giving birth to "Frostwhisper".
A year later getting the letter that he and the others were all ok  but can´t join due to the danger. Sending letters whenever he could as not to be tracked down. She was furious, not really liking the idea of raising a kid on her own (at start) At first  denying it but soon having the Bun at her side supporting and more.
Leading to them becoming a couple and.. another row of bun kids.
Only later did Frostwhisper discover the truth as she found the chest with letters and items.

The Family
Mother: Myraclaire, who runs her own lil store of bakery and specializes in chocolate. Has a secret "Pantry of many" (Bag of Holding with a lil variation) which Frostwhisper later takes along.
Father: Harmonius Whisperwood, plays violin and is partly entertainer.
Real father: E. A. R. Bunnymund (A Pooka)

Siblings: (9 in total next to her)

Oldest: Sylvan Swiftstrike The most loyal one who stayed with his big sis "Frostwhisper" to watch over the village. He later gets snagged and managed to get free, Relieved to later find his sister well, even if family is lost. He cares deeply for her and will do his best to protect her. Gained alot of skills as he was captive. Due to the growthspurt outside, has an impressive form.
Older: Jin Husho
The Harengon sibling who got snatched by the cult and managed to get out. Later forming his "crimson Company" and to get the gods in their place.
Triplets: Meadow, Dandelion, and Hopper
middle Twins : Willow and Wren
youngest Twins: Thistle and Bramble

Sadly at the attack, not many make it. 


Rivals and Enemies

- Leader and Cult of the "Fearlings" or "Dark Cult" (seeking Shards)
- Fearlings and their Leader Twins Dimm and Grimm
- Half Orc Grimmash Bloodfang and the Commander (Who attacked and fought against her)


Dimm and Grimm

A sibling duo that emerged from Nightmare Kings connection with a deity.
Dimm the lady of Darkness and her brother Grimm, the mischievious darkness both want to free their Nightmare King father anad let him remain as the Dark one other than their half sister and the Moon knight who try to bring back the original one within Pitch.


Rival/ Enemy Grimmash the Half Orc

Grimmash Bloodfang was born into a life of hardship and brutality, raised amidst the chaos of a lawless wilderness. His father, a fearsome orc warlord, instilled in him a thirst for power and domination from a young age. As Grimmash came of age, he found himself drawn to the dark allure of the Nightmare King's underground organization.

Joining their ranks, Grimmash quickly rose through the ranks, proving his worth through acts of ruthless violence and cunning manipulation. His half-orc heritage granted him strength and resilience, while his cunning mind allowed him to navigate the intricate web of deceit and treachery that defined the Nightmare King's inner circle.

Driven by a desire for power and a thirst for blood, Grimmash became one of the Nightmare King's most feared lieutenants, leading raids, assassinations, and acts of terror in service to his master's twisted vision of domination. With his name whispered in fear and awe throughout the underworld, Grimmash Bloodfang became a symbol of terror and ruthlessness, his very presence striking fear into the hearts of those who dared to oppose the Nightmare King's reign of darkness.
Despite his overwhelming brutality and allegiance to the Nightmare King, possesses a streak of perverse superstition. When encountering the bunny harengon woman, he sees an opportunity to assert dominance in a different way. Rather than simply killing her, he views the act of severing her left leg as a symbolic gesture of his power and as a twisted form of luck charm.

In his mind, the act serves multiple purposes: it demonstrates his authority over her, instills fear in those who witness or hear of it, and perhaps most importantly to Grimmash, it feeds into his superstitious belief that such a gruesome trophy will bring him luck or favor from the dark forces he worships.

Furthermore, leaving her alive but crippled serves as a constant reminder to others of Grimmash's ruthlessness and the consequences of crossing him. It's a display of dominance that aligns with his brutal nature and his desire to maintain control through fear and intimidation.

His commander wanted to take the bun and feed it to his Direwolf to feast on but in last minute after arguing, the bun was gone.

Gorak Blackfang a fellow Half orc of older tribe and sporting a white beard, is a figure of dread among both allies and enemies alike. His blackened armor, adorned with trophies of his victories,  strikes fear into the hearts of those who oppose him. With a jawline adorned with sharpened fangs and eyes burning with a fierce intensity, Gorak exudes an aura of primal strength and authority. As the commander of the Nightmare Kings Underground Group, he leads his warriors with ruthless efficiency,  instilling fear and loyalty in equal measure. Gorak is unwaveringly  devoted to the Nightmare King's cause, and he will stop at nothing to see his master's dark ambitions realized.

The Underground Group cult
*Beeing led by Gorak Blackfang and Grimmash Bloodfang, among the many fearsome ones following.

Part of them is a dark elf (?) named Namori, she is a mysterious and powerful figure, with pale skin and dark, flowing robes that seem to absorb the light around her. Her eyes gleam with an otherworldly intensity, and her long, dark hair cascades over her shoulders like a veil of shadows. Despite her ethereal beauty, there is an air of darkness and menace that surrounds her, hinting at the depths of her necromantic power.

Background: She hails from a distant land shrouded in darkness, where she honed her skills in the forbidden arts of necromancy. Driven by a thirst for knowledge and power, she sought out the darkest secrets of the arcane, delving into forbidden tomes and ancient rituals to unlock the secrets of death and undeath.

Abilities: As a necromancer, she possesses the ability to manipulate the forces of death and decay, summoning undead minions to do her bidding and wielding dark magic to strike down her enemies. Her mastery over necromancy allows her to raise armies of the undead and command them with chilling precision, making her a formidable ally and a terrifying foe.

Motivation: Allegiance to the Nightmare King's underground group is driven by her insatiable hunger for power and her desire to unlock the secrets of the dark arts. She sees in the Nightmare King a kindred spirit, a being whose thirst for dominion over the living and the dead mirrors her own ambitions. Joining forces with the Nightmare King's followers, seeks to further her own dark agenda while serving the interests of her malevolent master.
Of course a deep love for the King himself.


- Loxodon Garith Ivorytusk
- Duergar Grimsnufle Stonehammer
- Kobold gal named Kamaki
- Firbolg Willowbreeze (Druid)
- Ratkin Thicket Snout


Duergar "Grimsnuffle Stonehammer

Description: Duergar are a subterranean dwarf subrace known for their affinity for darkness and their ability to manipulate stone. They typically have gray or ashen skin, and their eyes are sensitive to light due to their subterranean lifestyle. Duergar are renowned for their skill in mining, metalworking, and stonemasonry.

He partly inhabits the village as skilled artisans and craftsmen, contributing to the economy through their expertise in mining and metallurgy. They excel at extracting precious minerals and ores from the mountains, forging them into weapons, armor, and other valuable goods. He does remain mostly in the caves as his eyes hurt when beeing too long out in the sun (he wears go0ggles for this)

Frostwhisper and him forma  strong bond as she discovered him one day digging up in the cabbage field. While getting to know, learning along and making sure the older Duergar get´s his food ashe tendsto forget when overworking.
His expertise in mining and metalworking proves invaluable as Frostwhisper seeks to reclaim her village and confront her enemies.

Grimsnuffle Stonehammer is a stout and sturdy Duergar with ashen gray skin and piercing, light-sensitive eyes that gleam with intelligence. Despite his advanced age, his posture is straight and proud, reflecting a lifetime spent toiling in the depths of the earth. He sports a long, bushy beard that reaches down to his chest, which he takes great pride in grooming and adorning with small trinkets and charms he's collected over the years.

Grimsnuffle's attire reflects his practical nature and his affinity for his craft. He wears a well-worn leather apron over a sturdy tunic and trousers, both dyed a deep earthy hue to blend in with his subterranean surroundings. His boots are reinforced with metal plates for durability, and he carries a collection of tools and implements on his belt, including a trusty pickaxe and a set of chisels for stone carving.

In addition to his work attire, Grimsnuffle often wears a wide-brimmed hat adorned with feathers and gemstones, adding a touch of whimsy to his appearance. Despite his gruff exterior, his attire reflects his quirky personality and his love for the natural beauty found within the depths of the earth.

He has a good heart and trusts her deeply, later saving her from the attack and bringing her to the other side of the mountain where the Loxodon live.


Ratkin Thicket Snout

Description: Thicket Snout is a wiry and agile ratkin with sleek gray fur and bright, intelligent eyes. He moves with a quick, darting grace, his whiskers twitching as he takes in his surroundings. Despite his small stature, he exudes an air of confidence and curiosity, his keen senses attuned to every sound and scent around him.

Background: Thicket Snout hails from a bustling ratkin warren nestled in the heart of the forest, where he grew up listening to tales of adventure and exploration from travelers passing through. Intrigued by the stories of distant lands and exotic creatures, he yearned to see the world beyond the boundaries of his home.

Ventures and Visits: Thicket Snout is a wanderer at heart, often setting out on solo expeditions to explore the world beyond his warren. Along his travels, he frequently visits Frostwhisper, drawn to her connection to nature and her tales of the mountains and the wilderness. He sees her as a kindred spirit, sharing her love for the natural world and her thirst for adventure.

Sharing Tales: When Thicket Snout visits Frostwhisper, he regales her with stories of his travels, recounting his encounters with strange creatures, hidden treasures, and distant lands. He delights in sharing his knowledge of the outside world with Frostwhisper, knowing that she appreciates his tales and the sense of wonder they inspire.

Friendship with Frostwhisper: Over time, Thicket Snout and Frostwhisper develop a close friendship based on their shared love of nature and their mutual fascination with the world beyond their respective homes. Thicket Snout serves as a source of information and inspiration for Frostwhisper, while she, in turn, offers him a sense of belonging and camaraderie in her village. Together, they embark on occasional adventures, exploring the wilderness and uncovering its secrets.

How they met was another thing as he was badly injured and landed in the snowy part of the mountains, getting the attention of the Duergar working and spotting him, placing him with the field and asking for Frostwhispers help. From there the two began to talk more. Discovering the outside workd as he brings home tales. Thicket was the only one from the village allowed inside and had to keep shush about the location, which he promised he would do (and did)

The grey ratkin has formed a strong bond with Frostwhisper, the two beeing best of friends, the passion of music and tales combined.
He later stumbles upon her in the outside world, where he joins to help her.

Firbolg Willowbreeze

Description: Willowbreeze is a towering firbolg with gentle, moss-green skin and eyes that sparkle with wisdom and kindness. Her long, flowing hair is the color of autumn leaves, cascading down her back in loose waves. Despite her formidable size, there's a warmth and tranquility to her presence, like a gentle breeze rustling through the forest.

Background: Willowbreeze hails from a secluded grove deep within the ancient woods, where she has lived for centuries in harmony with nature. As a firbolg, she possesses a deep connection to the natural world and a profound reverence for all living things. Willowbreeze has dedicated her life to nurturing and protecting the wilderness, serving as a guardian and caretaker of the forest.

Meeting Frostwhisper: Frostwhisper encounters Willowbreeze during her travels through the forest, drawn to the firbolg's peaceful aura and her profound connection to nature. Sensing Frostwhisper's inner turmoil and her need for guidance, Willowbreeze extends a gentle hand of friendship, offering her wisdom and support to the young woman.

Mother Figure: As Frostwhisper spends time with Willowbreeze, she comes to see her as a mother figure, drawn to the firbolg's nurturing nature and her boundless compassion. Willowbreeze offers Frostwhisper guidance and comfort, listening to her fears and doubts with patience and understanding. She imparts to Frostwhisper the wisdom of the forest, teaching her the ways of the wild and helping her to find peace within herself.

Travels Together: Frostwhisper and Willowbreeze embark on a journey together through the forest, exploring its hidden wonders and facing its challenges side by side. Along the way, Willowbreeze shares with Frostwhisper the secrets of the ancient trees, the songs of the woodland creatures, and the rhythms of the natural world. Together, they forge a deep bond that transcends mere friendship, a bond of love and kinship that lasts a lifetime.


Character Sheet:

-Name: Frostwhisper
- Race: Harengon
- Class: Monk/Bard/
- Level: 3


- Strength: 14
- Dexterity: 16
- Constitution: 14
- Intelligence: 9
- Wisdom:15
- Charisma: 13
- Proficiency +2
- Walking Speed 40ft
- Armor class 15
- Initiative +3


- Acrobatics
- Athletics
- Insight
- Performance
- Smithing


1. Monastic Tradition: Way of the Open Hand
2. Bardic College: College of Valor
3. Tools Proficiency: Smith's Tools

  • Hare-Trigger. You can add your proficiency bonus to your initiative rolls.
  • Leporine Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
  • Lucky Footwork. When you fail a Dexterity saving  throw, you can use your reaction to roll a d4 and add it to the save,  potentially turning the failure into a success. You can't use this  reaction if you're prone or your speed is 0.
  • Step of the Wind 
    You can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.
  • Rabbit Hop 
    Rabbit Hop. As a bonus action,  you can jump a number of feet equal to five  times your proficiency  bonus, without provoking opportunity attacks. You  can use this trait  only if your speed is greater than 0. You can use it  a number of times  equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all  expended uses when  you finish a long rest.
  • Patient Defense 
    You can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.
  • Unarmed Strike 
    When you use the Attack action with  an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on  your turn, you can make one  unarmed strike as a bonus action.

_ Mage Hand
- Cure wounds



- Prosthetic Leg
- Quarterstaff
- Smith's Tools
- Explorer's Pack
- Traveler's Clothes
- Cooking Utensils
- Musical Instrument (lute)


Bio summarized:
Frostwhisper, once a beacon of joy in Eldergrove, now carries the weight of loss and vengeance on her shoulders. Guided by the elefantlike monks, she has honed her body and mind to become a formidable force. Learning to deal with grief and loss and to Armed with a prosthetic leg and a determination to unveil the truth, she embarks on a perilous journey, blending her skills as a monk, bard, and blacksmith to face the shadows that haunt her past.
Later befriends a lovely Kobold Gal.
