🧪 Dart the Poison 🎯



6 months, 10 days ago

Basic Info

[ Location : Soumerca ]

[ Alignment : Evil ]


[ Dart the poison Frog ]

[ Species Amphibian ]

[ position : Scout until further instructed. ]

Notes : for gaia's namesake can this girl even stand still?! All she does is hop from tree to tree mix with her attitude it doesn't help my growing headache with this girl!! Honestly I understand why TB assign this rookie to me...

[ You are instructed underneath ---- Until further orders from your Egg boss : Thunderbolt , Failing to listen to your boss or your adviser will have you permanently terminated ]

Dart is a ditsy frog, tending to go place to place whatever the wind leads her or so she says.. But don't let her two looks fool you! She's actually pretty dangerous when she wants to be, which is all the time. With that in mind she obviously took up being with arms with doctor Eggman working underneath Thunderbolt as a scout. And underneath strict command from TB They are allowed to hold no prisoners, Which is a real shame for dart since she loves playing with her new friends...

" Oh well whatever the boss says, it goes! "