Avariel ($60/OTA PAYPAL)



5 months, 23 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer
$60 - $200


THIS IS AN OTA NOW; I will not accept any offers below $60. Either DM or comment to offer, please! (I prefer Discord on "scribblerrigby" too) 

> There appears something alien and owlish in the way large, golden eyes fit into a warmly brown, sharp-featured, elfin face, one framed by wild locs and curls of thick, black hair. And yet, an uncanny stare is far from the most striking about the Avariel, as Daedamai wields the light, graceful hallmarks of a creature far more suited to the air than the earth. Elves aren't typically known as large creatures, but Dae possesses a build exceptionally slight, yet muscular and dexterous where his frame allows - a tiny thing immediately juxtaposed with his broad and barred wings and a rudimentary avian tail. An adept guard and hunter for hire, there nothing tiny about his persona - with a warm and steady voice, a rapier at his side and arrows at his back, he embodies the hardworking, idealistic naivete of a knight-errant, and carries himself with a fiery and insistent surety.


+ : Athletic - Courageous - Empathetic - Genuine - Hardworking - Idealistic - Protective - Resourceful - Selfless - Youthful

- : Arrogant - Childish - Disruptive - Extreme - Fiery - Impulsive - Naive - Obsessive - Opinionated - Rowdy

o : Competitive - Determined - Droll - Emotional - Impressionable - Intense - Outspoken - Proud - Stubborn - Tough


Something a little different! The above description is something the winner can take or leave - but that is how I originally conceived them. The winner can change the name, gender, history and personality should they choose, but it's here anyway if you'd like a little jumpstart! 

THE WINNER RECIEVES - two full-sized transparent PNGs (think my floaty heads), one of their face and one of their wing color reference.  And a version of the above without the watermarks if you like - I made it for auction display but it looks good on its own, too!

All prices are in USD. 

ADD-ON OPTION 1: If you play them in the City of Thornmouth RP on the RP Repository/Furcadia (www.rprepository.com/g/Thornmo…), you'll have a free PNG with the fae faction's insignia on his clothes.

ADD-ON OPTION 2: For an additional $35 USD - you get his old AtropaGrimm  fullbody art (and transparency variants https://www.deviantart.com/atropagrimm/art/Avariel-Swordsman-752844590) and the old art of his bow; Atropa Grimm art pictured in the link.  PLEASE DM ME - I will deliver these through Discord or email.