


5 months, 19 days ago



Name :Frozenstar
Pastnames : Frozenkit, Frozenpaw, Frozenrunner
Age : 69 Moons
Gender : AMaB (he/him)
rank : Leader
Residence : PeakClan
Specials : Short Fur, High Rank 
Former Mentor : Honeyvoice
Apprentices : Dillpaw (former), Elmsprout, Craterscar (deceased), Larkleap (deceased)

Summary : Frozenstar is a tall, broad shouldered, black and white tabby tom with intelligent amber eyes. He has a large, square head, long tail, and small wide-set ears.
Fur colour/Length: Black and white tabby/Very thin
Eye Colour : Amber
Height : 38cm
Body Type : Large, tall, and muscular
Tail : Long
Scars : A few along his neck and abdomen from an eagle attack, some very deep ones along his shoulders, stomach, and face from a loner ambush that nearly killed him and Elmsprout

lawful good

Frozenstar always used to be the first to volunteer for patrols (though you won't see him first in line for the dawn patrol). He loved to chat, not quite sure when to shut his maw. With all of his extra energy, he found himself spending most of his free time in the medicine den, helping Palesnow sort herbs. The repetitive movements helped him get his energy out in a repetitive way. He's not the smartest cat, but he does his very best.

Nowadays, he's very quiet. The losses in his past have sobered him from an excitable young warrior to a stoic, wise pillar of PeakClan. Since his change, he's had a much easier time making friends, though not many see the pain that it bloomed from

Fears : Sheer cliffs, water, losing someone, making the wrong decision
  • Check out his main profile here!
  • His body type is more that of a leopard than a domestic cat

Friends : Palesnow, Vulturestrike, Briarstump, Falconfang (deceased), Marblehop (deceased)
Mate: Splashslip

Frozenstar was apprenticed to Honeyvoice as Frozenpaw for the start of what would end up being a very long apprenticeship. He was overall very skilled, but found himself full of excess energy and, with no place to put it, tended to jump too quickly into situations without thinking. His hunting skills suffered greatly because of this, though he always seemed to excel at fighting. Honeyvoice suggested that he look for ways to get his energy out in a healthy way, and thus Frozenpaw ended up visiting Palesnow in the medicine den to help with odd jobs and the like. At around 10 moons old, he considered becoming the newest medicine cat apprentice, but after a conversation with Honeyvoice, realized that he was making a hasty decision.

Frozenrunner's apprenticeship ended up running long, becoming a warrior at a relatively late 18 moons. He remained close with Honeyvoice, the pair quickly becoming best friends even after they were no longer bound by duty. Due to his less than stellar intellect and tendency to talk way too much, not many cats in PeakClan considered themselves friends with the young tom, so it was pretty much just him and Honeyvoice most of the time.

Fairly early on into being a warrior, Frozenrunner is assigned an apprentice, Larkpaw. He is a very nervous cat, which gives Frozenrunner a welcome challenge to try and bring him out of his shell. The apprentice is a late bloomer, not earning his warrior name, Larkleap, until he was 16 moons old. But he's a good cat, and Frozenrunner is happy to have been his mentor.

Seasons later, when Frozenrunner was around 42 moons, the doom hit the Clans. The earth began to shake and crack, taking so many lives in the process. Bears rose from their dens and attacked, taking with it even more of the Clan that he'd called home. Among them was Ryestar, whom Frozenrunner personally witnessed die beneath a fallen boulder. PeakClan was thrown into chaos, Midnightstalk taking over the position of leadership as the three Clans begin the journey to try and find new homes. It was clear that she wasn't mentally well enough for the position, appointing Sharptongue as her deputy despite the rest of the Clan remembering his evil past.

The Clans reach the twolegplace, meeting a colony of cats who took them in as they were travelling through. While there, Frozenrunner meets a colony cat with no name, who expresses interest in joining the Clans. Without a name, he asks the PeakClan warrior to help him decide on one, eventually landing on Crater. Meanwhile, at the makeshift camp, tensions are stirring in PeakClan. Sharptongue, thirsty for leadership, continues to talk over Midnightstalk at every turn. Finally recovering from the Doom, the PeakClan leader threatens to demote him, no longer willing to take his defiance. Angered, Sharptongue argues back and attempts to assassinate Midnightstalk, ready to take over leadership completely. Bugfreckle, Midnightstalk's brother, discovers them and gets in the way, killing Sharptongue after a brutal battle. Shaken and destroyed, Midnightstalk makes the decision to step down from leadership and appoints Marblehop to take over. As the Clans are leaving, Crater officially decides to join PeakClan and becomes Frozenrunner's apprentice, Craterpaw.

The journey continues for another long four moons before finally they arrive at their new home. Frozenrunner is now 57 moons, Craterpaw becomes Craterscar and he and Frozenrunner grow to be good friends. Only a moon into their new homes, both Honeyvoice and Larkleap are killed in separate tragedies. Frozenrunner is devastated, losing a lot of his excitable personality. He buckles down, throwing himself into Clan work to try and distract himself. He still has Craterscar, though, and is grateful to have his new best friend by his side, and perhaps more.

A moon later, an eagle attacks a patrol. Craterscar is killed, and Marblehop's son was carried off, never to be seen again. Frozenrunner is completely lost, without direction or purpose. He visits Palesnow occasionally, or takes a patrol with the elder Falconfang. But he has no real purpose or identity. He begins to lose faith in his warrior ancestors, wondering how they can continue to be so cruel after all he has sacrificed for them. Frozenrunner expresses this to his closest friend and mother figure, Falconfang, hoping that the wise elder can provide some insight into his pain. As she speaks to him about faith, the sky above them lights up with falling stars, giving the tom the sign that he needed to keep going. 

A few moons later, Frozenrunner is assigned yet another apprentice, Elmpaw. The young tom's first mentor, Whistlewind, had died very recently, leaving the tabby to take over their training. Elmpaw was a very insightful young apprentice, giving Frozenrunner no challenge as he guided the young tom towards becoming the best warrior that he could be. As the pair grew closer and Elmpaw grew into a promising young cat, the pair were tasked to investigate the loners that had been sighted around the edge of the territory and believed to have taken Topazpaw's eye. They were unprepared for the ambush that awaited them, though, slaughtering many of their fellow warriors and leaving Elmpaw half blinded afterwards. Frozenrunner spends the time during his recovery learning to fight with one eye so that he can teach Elmpaw to do the same. 

While the Clans are preparing a retaliation, the loners once again attack. This time, they directly raid GroveClan's camp. MeadowClan immediately leaps in to help, though PeakClan hesitates a bit longer at the direction of Marblehop who is swayed by some hesitant Clanmates. Frozenrunner steps in and is able to get his leader to agree to join the attack, swooping in in time to help GroveClanners evacuate, though the battle itself is lost. All three Clans shelter in the Moon Basin for the night, helping nurse each other's wounds and bury their dead. It is decided that GroveClan will split between MeadowClan and PeakClan and go to stay in their respective camps. 

After a couple of moons of living in the other camps, GroveClan is ready to take their home back and rescue the hostages that were taken by the loners. Marblehop leads a raid, and it immediately is a disaster. Many lives are lost during the raid, including Goldfishglare and Smokestorm, MeadowClan and PeakClan's deputies respectively. But worst of all was the loss of Marblehop. After a few arguments and a brief gathering of the senior warriors, PeakClan's leadership is left to a vote, during which the outcome is decided to be Frozenrunner.

Shocked, afraid, and unprepared, Frozenrunner steps up to lead his Clan into an uncertain future, feeling like an imposter in the den where his best friend used to lie. Together with the other leaders, he comes up with a plan to attack RuneClan under the full moon. They would get GroveClan's camp back or die trying. Leading the charge, Frozenrunner goes straight for Runestar and attacks him with the goal of bringing him in as prisoner. After capturing him, he is tricked and ends up dead at Runestar's claws.

Waking up in StarClan, Frozenrunner is met by Ryestar- PeakClan's leader before Marblehop. She takes him to a starry pool and gifts him with a life for putting his Clan first, officially hailing him as Frozenstar. He wakes up back on the battlefield and, against all of his morals, kills Runestar in retaliation. With his final blow, the war against RuneClan is over.

 code by jiko