: ̗̀➛ Lunar Halo Pearl



9 months, 6 days ago


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Name: Rameil 

Cut: SAR-E3-0231-LHP

Title:  Lunar Halo Pearl  

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  • Made at subarctic + Perfect cut + facility 
  • Imperious type. Very Loyalist, very believing in his superiority  AND/OR have him reflect Rei, idolizing the Mistress heavily, giving himself fully to her. 
  • Combat pearl. 
  • Static abilities? Something relating to lightning 
  • Workaholic 
  • younger = less experience, with perfect cut expectations they really want to prove themselves useful to the reef. 
  • Hyper defensive bc of that maybe? Refusal to talk to or associate with people deemed ‘lower’ than them? Less in an aggressive rude way more in a quiet tucking my head and leaving way, think Rei from evangelion refusal 

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Present -

Younger, more eager to please the Mistress, she is his muse, his god. She can do no wrong and anything she has / may do wrong is justified. She is his creator. Fully believing himself to be better then others purely by his perfect cut, however he’s not exactly rude about it? As a pearl it’s his duty to be serving, to be rude is to be wrong. But he does look down on people below him, he’s just not abrasive. he’ll be blunt if prodded, but not needlessly rude. (Think Rei from EVA ) Heavily transactional relationships. They do, however, bite. He’s the kind of person who will hit you if you’re annoying him, and he believes he has the right to. Carries himself with an air of self importance, he looks at people like they’re beneath him. He believes they are.

Older - 

—Imperious type. I want him to be like the Cliche of the one general who's Imposing and Sharp,  yet has a soft spot, you just have to know it. Very much a “This task must be done Perfectly, Perfectly within the eyes of the empire, and Perfectly within the eyes of our Mistress.” I think, perhaps in a very basic way, he genuinely cares for all the pearls at the reef, defective or not. But outwardly it's not something he allows himself to express, not just for defects but anyone beneath him, and even people at his rank or higher are treated curtly. Very business like, transactional. But again, a soft spot. Maybe he yells at people a lot, but is more bark than bite. Yes bite when needed, but only like, desperately needed, in defense, but never striking first beyond cruel words—. 


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  • Not exactly  forced into his position, more like natural coding? I’m not sure I want to give him a deep backstory, just the empires grooming, telling perfect cuts how amazing they are, and with his role as facility pearl (undecided on that) he would never really have to leave the reef, therefore no cold realization, etc. 
  • That way any character growth is more about becoming a kinder person! Or becoming worse, crueler, colder, I have yet to decide.

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Height: 6’8

Body shape: Toned + inverted triangle 

Skin tone:  Navy 

Hair color:  Iridescent White / pale blue 

Hairstyle: Long loose Hair, bangs framing face.

Face shape: Long

Eye color:  Canary 

Gem placement: Back of Right Hand

Gem cut: Perfect 

Age:  Made in Era 3


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  • Their job is a mix of paperwork and working under sirus for weather  so paperwork would be a skill I suppose, as well at meteorology 
  • Overall ‘pearl’ skills, coded into him since formation
  • Making / handing firearms 

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  • Firearms |  specifically rifles but all types can be proficiently used, a lot of his storage is taken up by these. He also stores some on his person, in his coat.
  • Ax | Throwing Axes, less favored than guns, but good if melee is needed 
  • Switchblade | this is for emergencies only
  • Notebook | he keeps a journal of his day to day life 
  • Compass | Subarctic is known for storms, he likes to go hunting, and subsequently has to leave the reef, this is in case he gets lost 
  • Animal pelts / Horns | Keeping trophies. Erm…. 


  •  The Guns He Keeps In His Coat | self explanatory 
  • Handkerchief | tucked into his jacket pocket. It’s useful.

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Vc: Kaworu Nagisa | Netflix EN Dub


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