


5 years, 10 months ago


Espécie:gato robô

Cores do pelo: branco, laranja e amarelo
Tamanho do pelo: longo
Cor dos olhos: Laranja claro
Cicatrizes: teve em seu rosto, pata direita dianteira.
Detalhes importantes: partes de seu corpo foram substituídas por partes robóticas depois de um acidente com fogo.

Ele é Calmo, mas as vezes fica hiperativo, as vezes triste também, mas ele superakkkkk. Mas ele também é brincalhão, faz piada com tudo, se possível. Sempre foi curioso desde filhote. Apesar dos erros e defeitos, é um bom amigo.

Likes - quadrinhos
- jogos
- música 
Dislikes - desistência 
- odeia tik tok
- aglomeração


NAME [ relationship here ]


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

Parceira/Velhos amores

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here. Your character's story or history goes here.


  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
¨Música tema¨: Theme
¨Voz¨: Theme
Funfact: sua pata e rosto do lado direito foram queimadas.
Funfact: gosta de assustar os outros quando estão distraídos.
Funfact:  -