Wang-ja (Destroyer of Demons)



  • Also known as Ag-ma Pa-goe-ja
  • She/Her
  • Only appears at night
  • The feminine form of the Lunar Prince
  • Known to be more beautiful than the Prince
  • Wears a black veil to hide her face from people who may know her true identity

Dal-nim's Fastidious Nature

The Moon Goddess's Blessed Blade has it's own sentience. It only allows itself to be wielded if it likes the current user. It's magic only reaches it's fullest potential in the hands of a woman; the more one feels connected to their femininity, the stronger the connection to the blade's creator (Dal-nim) and the stronger the magic. The Prince is male, but he made a deal with a trickster god to be able to change into a more feminine form instantly. He keeps this information a tight-lipped secret. No one but the Moon Goddess herself knows the Destroyer and the Prince are one and the same.