Ikki Shizuka (Ikki Shizuka: Villain AU)



4 years, 2 months ago


Shizuka Ikki

frustrated • unthreatening • dumbass bitch

Shizuka Ikki
Male (He/Him)
Wannabe Villain
Not gay he swears
February 4th

 "People who hurt others... don’t deserve to breathe"

Shizuka is quite the stoic young man, he barely speaks and practically no one knows he exists at his basic run of the mill highschool, no friends, barely a family to come home to, the only excitement he really gets in his life is the endless torment from those bullies who actually know he exists, and how he wishes they would all... just die already. And with his outbursts of anger and frustration, it shows, at least it would if everyone didn’t just laugh at him when he did, upsetting him all the more.

Though Shizuka always yearned to be someone popular and adored, he’ll just find that elsewhere, somehow... though he knows his brother would disapprove, but after losing even him, surely no goodness can exist anywhere in the world. Luckily no one bats an eye at him, otherwise he would’ve been caught by now, sneaking out of school, sneaking out of home, to hang out with people he shouldn’t see, steal things he shouldn’t own, and one day, hopefully soon, he can give the disgusting people of this world what the deserve.
Though don’t be too fooled, he’d never have the guts, let alone strength to actually pull anything crazy off, but he’s trying really really hard okay!!


 Quirk Control:
 Quirk Strength:

Though most of the thoughts that cloud Shizuka’s head are of hatred and pain, if you take any time at all to look at him, you realise very quickly that he’s really just a kid... he’s sloppy and has absolutely no idea what he’s doing, he can’t even hold a knife right, and is way too easily worked up, even though he’s quiet for the most part, rile him up even the slightest and he wiLL react, wether with anger, tears, a bright red face or all three at the same time, there aren’t any in betweens, he’s easily teased and will always try and come with something cool and clever back, but he gets too flustered, one day he’ll say something cool! Just you watch him!

At the end of the day, Shizuka is just a boy, dealt far too much pain then he could handle, and just wants to find somewhere where he’s loved and accepted, but he’s too hung up on his feelings of revenge and rage to realise what he truly wants, and by the time he does... what’ll it matter to him really? He’s already going too far.


Unfortunately Shizuka was always handed the short end of the stick, being born with the lamest Quirk out of 4 siblings, and with his parents always at work, two of his siblings, Akane and Taiki were free to torment him about it all they wanted, always getting a reaction out of little baby Shizuka, but luckily there was always his eldest brother Hideo there to protect and comfort him, and luckily because of him, nothing ever got too out of hand with him and his siblings, though he still sure as hell wasn’t happy around them.

As the years went on, Shizuka grew further and further apart from Taiki and Akane, with all of their quirks growing stronger, they both had more and more to rip on Shizuka for, as both their quirks were getting cooler and more powerful, Shizuka’s was just the same gross glue drool, but Shizuka has no rest anywhere, at home and at school, he was tormented, he was always too scared to approach people, he was too nervous and awkward, but as his nervous fiddles and glances continued, people really did start to see him as a creep, he was weird and gross, always staring at people... and not to mention his gross and lame ass Quirk, really no one wanted to be around him, and if they were, it was to provoke him, since he was always so easily brought to frustration and tears, he was a joke.

It was hellish, all we wanted to do was stay in his room, play games and read, forever, he didn’t wanna go anywhere, but whenever Hideo came home from school it was a different story, all of that seemed to fade away when he got to see his favourite person, and hear him talk about his plans and his training towards becoming a hero, and at that point, Shizuka was sure he’d become one too.

A facility Hideo’s class was studying at was suddenly attacked, a huge chunk of the building collapsed, killing multiple students and staff, including Hideo.
The event was all over the news, hosting a memorial for all the lost students and staff. The one person who made Shizuka happy, the one cling to hope he had was gone. But not even then could he get some rest. “Ah? Shizuka? Isn’t that Ikki’s older brother?” “Eeeeh? Then he must be in a much better place now not having to live with that creep”

Even this, the death of his own brother was used against him, was used to torment him.
That thing called good that he’d been holding onto for so long... he finally realised, that it doesn’t exist, it can’t exist in a world with people like that.

He couldn’t take it anymore, he wasn’t gonna take it anymore- people like that don’t deserve air, they don’t deserve working limbs, they don’t deserve to exist. It doesn’t matter how he does it, but one day, somehow, he’ll get rid of people like that. And now with both Taiki and Akane going to UA and living there at the dorms, leaving Shizuka practically living alone, he’s never had more freedom.


  • Wears a mask to try and hide his Quirk altogether, honestly he’d rather be Quirkless, he sees no good use for such a pathetic and gross Quirk whatsoever.
  • Constantly switching out weapons ‘cause doesn’t know what to do with himself.
  • Doesn’t put any effort into hiding his appearance, just the usual mask and hoodie he wears under his uniform anyway, lucky he doesn’t stand out at all.
  • Keeps a diary full of diabolical plans, pls don’t tell anyone he actually calls it that, and that it’s decorated with cute little doodles of flowers and knives...
  • Really doesn’t know how to respond to affection... the last person to show him love was his brother, and that was years ago, he’ll probably just freeze up if you give him as much as a head pat.



Character  [ relationship ]

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