

Krepta Eve Walker

[ WORLD WALKER ] Warrior ☉ Wanderer ☉ Shapeshifter
Krepta Eve Walker
34 - May, 5th, 1989
Gender Fluid - She/Her
Myers Briggs INFJ-T


Krepta is a creature of hidden depths. Every time you think you’ve got her figured out, she surprises you again. Sometimes she's loud and boisterous and just a little bit dangerous. Other times she's insightful and pensive, a contemplative shape on a lonely hilltop at dusk, looking out over the world.

Her scars tell a story of a life full of pain, a pain that sometimes still echoes back through green eyes fierce with fire, through hungry jaws and sharp claws. But in her there is also a defiant sort of hope, a stubborn determination that everyone, anyone can be saved, no matter how far they've fallen. She doesn't believe in giving up on people.

Krepta is a walking weirdness magnet who tends to attract trouble, but sometimes it's the best kind of trouble. She’s never been good at blending in, even without that primal strangeness that lurks just behind her eyes. She’s the type of person who speaks her mind and wears her heart on her sleeve, and she is unapologetically, unflinchingly alive.

There's no predictability where Krepta Walker is concerned except for one thing: once you’ve met her, your life will never be the same again.

Read Krepta's full character sheet here! Main image credit GreekCeltic.

A child of the multiverse. The only heir to a secret war...


Krepta can take a good hit and keep going, but she's a bleeder, not a blocker, and she struggles against more disciplined fighters.


Survival Craft

(food preservation, camping, hunting & fishing, sewing & leather working, rudimentary furniture making, field medicine, navigation)

Combat & Weapons

(no particular style, just a tenacious scrapper. bolas, slings, spears, slingshot, knife.)

Piece-Meal Academics

(bits and pieces of herb-lore, medical knowledge, myths & folklore, spellwork, & history)

World Walking

(inter-dimensional gateways, walker safe houses, detection and repair of spatial corruption and rifts, gift of tongues lite)


(draconic shape, partial shift, connection to element of fire)


(innate connection to liminal spaces, arcane wellspring, root connection to Ven)

Biological Weak Points

(wings, joints, body openings unarmored. high caloric intake. old injuries. poor sight in one eye. jaws are stronger closing than opening, can be held shut relatively easily. cannot retain dragon shape when unconscious.)

Walker Limitations

(energy signature that’s hard to hide. elementals act as a world’s ‘white blood cells’. memory and ability loss. weirdness magnet.)

Psychic Injury

(has particularly ‘loud’ surface thoughts. sensitive to psychic contact. headaches, nosebleeds, seizures. psychic defenses almost non-existent. somewhat of a phobia towards psychics. artificially altered mental landscape. the dragon’s psyche.)

Magical Weak Points

(weak against silver, dragonsbane, magic disrupting substances)



Despite how she may feel about herself, Krepta is a bright soul-- a fire in the dark. Her moral compass points due north, and though it may be her own codes she follows rather than the laws of the land around her or cultural norms, she believes strongly in fairness, honesty, and justice. She slips just like any person from time to time, but when she's well and truly done wrong, she tends to face it rather than deny the fact, and works hard to learn from her mistakes.

She's compassionate and courageous. No life is so small as to be unworthy of love and protection, no power so great that it cannot be flawed. She extends second chances even to true monsters, if she thinks there's a small chance they're willing to chance (which is often her downfall too). Friends are friends for life, and it takes a lot to shake her out of that mentality.

She tends to be very insightful when it comes to the habits and inner workings of others, if not always her own, and she's fairly adaptable to other cultures and ideas while always respectfully maintaining her own identity within them, as long as they do no harm.

And whether you call it stubbornness or determination, you'll never find a more stalwart soul than Krepta.

She's got a wit that can bite, and a sense of honesty that can both be useful and painful. She's got good instincts, which she has a habit of following-- unfortunately that tends to be all of them, not just the socially acceptable ones. She's very outspoken and she lives in her emotions, both when she speaks from the heart and when she lashes out in anger.

She's independent, contemplative, and free spirited; content to roam from place to place and restless when cooped up in a singular space or with a singular person for too long. Walker or not, she's got feet that need to travel.


Anyone who makes the mistake of forgetting Krepta's bestial side often soon gets an uncomfortable reminder. The Dragon is never far from the surface, and it rises more in times of intense emotions, both positive or negative. Anger is the most dangerous, as is fear, and bad moods often come with much growling and snarling and pacing. If cornered, emotionally or physically, and pushed too far, those animal instincts can become quickly dangerous.

But it's not just negative emotions that bring out Krepta's primal self. She works hard to mask her initial reactions to people she likes when first getting to know them, but the more comfortable she gets with someone, the more that mask slips.

She's very physical with her affection-- rough-housing and play biting are some of her favorite ways to bond. She can be a little rough on the furniture and on her friends without intending to, and when pressed to join up with a team for any reason what so ever, she's terrible at following orders, and will question and challenge authority figures near constantly if she does feel they're up to snuff.

She's intense and rough around the edges, a fact that she's keenly aware of. It's caused a lot of hidden insecurities within Krepta, particularly where relationships are concerned. Anything deeper than banter buddies or protector/mentor relationships and she balks, preferring to push others away before they can ever get the chance to hurt her.

Krepta makes her connections through the safety of windows, not through the front door, and the idea of undoing the locks and letting someone in past the walls she's carefully built up over time terrifies her, though you'd be hard pressed to get her to admit it.

5'9" (Human) - 7' 9" at the shoulder (Dragon)
Around 160lbs (Human) - Around 2,300lbs (Dragon)

Design Notes

  • Scars: Right eye, bridge of nose, two across lips (right side), scattered across throat, many more smaller scars across body.
  • Dragon Form: Deep red, right main horn shattered, stocky build, broad muzzle, Six horns (Two main, two behind jaw, two nubs beneath cheekbones), leathery wings.
  • Prefers comfortable, utilitarian clothing.


  • Thunderstorms
  • Tea
  • Fighting


  • Bullies
  • Loss of Control
  • Being in Space


  • Krepta is actually quite sentimental, and if you give her something, chances are she'll ferret it away somewhere safe.
  • Her alignment is Chaotic Good, and her Tarot card would be The Star. Her voice sounds similar to Dessa's, though Krepta does not sing well.
  • Besides her natural human scent, she often smells like cinnamon and woodsmoke, sometimes with a muddy/earthy undertone.
  • Krepta has a spotify playlist you can listen to.
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