Wilfred De Bellefaye






- Speaks a bit of French , mostly fluent in English

- Finds his name stupid and prefers to go by his nickname (Will), but he didn't change it as it was his moms idea.

- Likes to to walk in the rain, while listening to music.

- Loves loud music and being around others

- Loves to party, works as a DJ and is quite popular

- Even though he likes to party, he doesn't like to drink as much but he'll do it for the company.

- Has a human transformation/form. Easier to blend in with the living

- Got turned at 28 years old, still dosen't know by who. He doesn't age anymore but he would be about 100+ years old by now, he has stopped counting.

- Can be under sun but prefers the cold/shade

- Loves to cook and experiment with different stuff, even though his taste buds has long ago died.

- He mostly feeds on animal blood, dosen't like human blood as it's too fatty for him. But if he has to drink human blood, he will.

- Enjoys to be outdoors and stay active, rarely stays at home.

- Becoming a vampire he has become immortal, and gotten other small powers. He isn't too keen with the fact that he will live forever.

- Loves to read, have read a lot of books. Mostly read philosophical or historical books, but will read anything.


AGE: 128

D.O.B.: Tba


RACE: Vampire


HEIGHT: 182 cm

WEIGHT:74 kg

OCCUPATION: Nightclub Dj

MBTI: unknown

ALIGNMENT: Lawful good



STATUS: Unknown

VOICE: Jack Barter




Wilfred is an outgoing and laid back guy, he likes to socialize and spend time with people. He's a big party animal, especially being a DJ, he goes to big, noisy parties often. Wilfred hates to be alone or by himself for long periods of time, that is why he is usally always seen around others.

Wilfred is a pretty rowdy and full of energy guy, he acts cool and all it but in reality, he's pretty insecure. You could say he's a bit of an attention and admiration seeking whore, loving to be the center of attention and he gets jealous when he's not. He is a big tease, he loves to mess with people and he's also a bit of a flirt.

You wouldn't think of it when you see or meet Wilfred, for the first time but he is pretty intelligent. He's a bit secretive about himself and his personal life, even though he's a outgoing, social butterfly he does not like to talk about himself, especially if he doesn't know you.







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Describe character's relationship here. Sed et venenatis leo. Proin sed lectus pharetra, mattis metus rhoncus, porttitor lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse facilisis velit vitae congue varius. Nullam faucibus ligula nec eros dignissim, non rhoncus augue bibendum. Morbi eleifend, massa vel egestas volutpat, sem magna gravida ex, at fermentum neque enim condimentum leo. Phasellus semper et lectus eu facilisis. Fusce eu congue ipsum, a pharetra sapien. Vestibulum iaculis metus vitae est facilisis, vel pharetra justo faucibus. Cras elementum est at ullamcorper pharetra. Donec interdum ullamcorper sem at posuere. Morbi vestibulum ex id maximus viverra.

71706311_TJ1t0rQV6agATV2.png unknown.png


Describe character's relationship here. Sed et venenatis leo. Proin sed lectus pharetra, mattis metus rhoncus, porttitor lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse facilisis velit vitae congue varius. Nullam faucibus ligula nec eros dignissim, non rhoncus augue bibendum. Morbi eleifend, massa vel egestas volutpat, sem magna gravida ex, at fermentum neque enim condimentum leo. Phasellus semper et lectus eu facilisis. Fusce eu congue ipsum, a pharetra sapien. Vestibulum iaculis metus vitae est facilisis, vel pharetra justo faucibus. Cras elementum est at ullamcorper pharetra. Donec interdum ullamcorper sem at posuere. Morbi vestibulum ex id maximus viverra.

71706311_TJ1t0rQV6agATV2.png unknown.png


Describe character's relationship here. Sed et venenatis leo. Proin sed lectus pharetra, mattis metus rhoncus, porttitor lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse facilisis velit vitae congue varius. Nullam faucibus ligula nec eros dignissim, non rhoncus augue bibendum. Morbi eleifend, massa vel egestas volutpat, sem magna gravida ex, at fermentum neque enim condimentum leo. Phasellus semper et lectus eu facilisis. Fusce eu congue ipsum, a pharetra sapien. Vestibulum iaculis metus vitae est facilisis, vel pharetra justo faucibus. Cras elementum est at ullamcorper pharetra. Donec interdum ullamcorper sem at posuere. Morbi vestibulum ex id maximus viverra.

Code by Aurorean

Worth: 37$