juniper jeong kim



5 months, 6 days ago


photos & links to be added soon oopsies......

Juniper Jeong Kim

momolune / 12/22/2023

Juniper's . . first . . official colors

Name Juniper Jeong Kim

Born 1/11/2006

Orientation Bisexual-Aromantic

Occupation Unemployed

Relationship Extremely complicated

Attribute Korean

Speaks English & Korean


108 lbs

Theme info

A cold, miserable teenager living in Toronto, Canada.

They didn't have much of a rough upbringing, but their genetics seemed to have played a major part in their rough life, regardless of how kind and hardworking their parents were. They're not very kind, but they do try to keep their friends around, regardless of how many angry outbursts they have. They seem to have gotten lucky with the people around them, their parents and closest friends have and will stick with them through thick and thin.

Modern Day

Juniper currently lives with their parents in a small town outside of Toronto, going to school with their two only, closest friends. Two people they're slowly learning to trust as time goes on.

They're trying to keep their anger under control, their unstable emotions have graudally become harder and harder to manage as they've gotten older. They fear for themself and the people around them as their thoughts fall farther and farther out of their control, their downward spirals becoming more intense- darker. Resulting in more harm to themself and their loved ones.

Every day is a battle in its own right . . but Juniper holds out for the day they can become better. Happier.


Bittersweet Childhood

Juniper was left in the care of a fire station soon after they were born. Born to two Korean immigrants who couldn't afford to keep them around, Juniper spent most of their infant years being raised in foster care until they were ready to be moved into a forever home. A recently wed couple found and chose them to be a member of their new family, where they were then raised for the rest of their life.

They were a sweet child up until they turned 12. A careful, explorative little kid who loved nature and creating little things to show their parents. They were kind and wholesome, loved the smallest little things, they were kind to everyone they spoke to. Then they started to truly grow up . . and things changed.

Growing Up Is Hard

Juniper's life grew incredibly hard after they turned twelve. Growing up went from easy and fun to an awful mess of anger, tears and confusion on every single aspect of their mere existence. They became irritable and easy to anger, their parents, in their frantic confusion, assumed it was hormones. Maybe it was. Most of it wasn't.

They ended up making friends once they entered highschool, even despite a rocky history with people from middleschool. Juniper got in a. . . multitude of fights with different people, all for different reasons. The one common aspect was that most of them 'deserved it,' according to Juniper themself. They have sworn to never use violence-- against an innocent person.

Personal Life

protective, cautious, caring vain, explosive, spiteful







Juniper has undignosed BPD.

Juniper is violent. That's putting it as plain and simple as it can possibly get.

They aren't a very kind individual, even to their loved ones. Violent and extremely cruel to those who cross the lines they never make clear until it is far too late, Juniper has seen many fights in their short years of life. Their aggression and spiteful behavior gets them in . . . more than a little trouble. Let's just say their school life got difficult after a certain point in their life.

They can be kind, especially to their parents and close friends. They aren't . . all bad.


Caption here with a link.


  • Juniper enjoys dancing, coding, 3D modeling and playing video games like Minecraft or shooter games.
  • They like to bully kids on ROBLOX.
  • They love chairs that roll.
  • They appreciate when people stick with them when they feel particularly unstable.


  • Their inability to keep themself stable for long periods of time.
  • Being judged or left behind.
  • Oranges. [They're allergic anyway.]
  • Migraines and their dysphoria.


  • Juniper wears a binder.
  • They adore spicy food, especially the spicy foods their parents make them. They like basic, storebought ramen with a bit of added spices.
  • They got hospitalized for trying to fight a kid over half a foot taller than them. They were slamemd into a brick wall and got a concussion because of it.
  • They once attended a party with their friends and left less than half an hour later. They threw up in a bush and had to sit in pure silence for hours to feel less insane.
  • Sprite is Juniper's favorite drink! They also really like Cheez-Its.
  • Juniper cannot stand kids. They're loud, they're sticky, they smell bad, they touch everything. Juniper's worst nightmare.
  • Their favorite word is the fuck word.


Juniper's parents.

The women who raised Juniper from that abandoned baby to the stunning, confident person they are today. Juniper loves them and they love Juniper, Juni doesn't know what would happen if they were gone. Juniper likes to cook with them on wet, cold days.

One of Juniper's best friends.

Georgia occasionally leaves Juniper speechless. She's pretty, she's kind, she's gentle and she will do anything to make them feel okay. Juniper doesn't understand why she of all people makes them feel dizzy in the best way they can imagine, but they don't want it to stop.

One of Juniper's best friends.

Someone Juniper has known for years at this point. They don't really know how or why they get along with Seo, they have little to nothing in common and they are almost always being rude to each other somehow. Play fighting, insults and more. . despite that, they have a dynamic that makes nearly no sense. They want each other dead, but would kill themselves if the other did die.