


Sooo I dont have a proper organized info yet but I do have info about him! Enjoy this for now heh

His golden necklace is from his momma T3T And now second! Hes neutral with humans because he WAS TRAINED TO FIGHT BY PIRATES.

He lost literally his family, bestie, pretty much his home place lost everyone! Hes the only one left and since hes smoll he didnt have anywhere else to go

Nobody to train him or take care of him

For a while he had to care of himself on his own ofc

Until some ship would always pass by

And he noticed it and got curious to see what it was

He peeked out of the water and noticed it was a ship, a pirate ship!

Ofc he didnt know much about pirates but that didnt stop him to watch them every now and then when they would stop by his spot

Went like this for a long time until one of the pirates noticed him and called the others to see him

He got picked up to get on the ship

Pirates stared at him and laughed of surprised of seeing a squid hybrid

The captain comes out and gets a look of the little party that is going on

And lets say the captain liked the little guy xDc

They all saw him like a little pet or first mate

"Kraken" was the nickname/ name the captain gave to Nhazul

And ya can tell where this is going xDc

Found family

The captain is the main dad while the rest of the crew are uncles or second dads xD

And ofc how he learned to fight and hunt more besides remenbering what his parents thought him

Also the captain and pirate ship still exists! They are not dead xD Nhazul still visits them and spend time with them

And the pirates are always happy to see their sea squid son