ire (walpurgis)



3 years, 2 months ago


"Foolish mortal!"

Name Iré (aɪ.reɪ)
Race Demon
Age ~2500
Gender Female, she/her
Height 5'4", 163 cm
Occupation none

cruel ✦ insensitive ✦ hedonistic ✦ knowledgeable ✦ observant

Perhaps calling Iré “cruel” is the same as calling a crocodile “dangerous”—can you fault the creature for what is in its very nature? In her prime, however, Iré went above and beyond, delighting in every misery she had the joy to cause. A terrified, anguished, and tortured human at the result of her hard work is really all she can ask for. She does not care if she’s done something to hurt someone else—rather, she quite enjoys it, and lacks any sort of tact or sensitivity that might be beneficial in a normal interpersonal setting. What’s the point of making friends among those currently around her? Even among her fellow demons, she was not known to be friendly.

She was, however, known to be someone who knew how to have a good time. Iré excels in revelry and doing things that make her feel good. She loves to indulge. Responsibilities bore her. If she’s not having fun at any given moment, she’s bored and immediately disinterested.

Thankfully, perhaps, learning counts as something that makes her feel good. Hardly every subject holds her interest, but she soaks up everything she can about the things that do. Magic and technology both fascinate her, though she easily fell behind in both broad subjects. She enjoys reading and observing, and drinks in whatever information she can get her hands on.

Her observant nature extends beyond that of learning, and you might call her an avid people-watcher, especially of those she finds interesting. She takes in her environment with a keen eye, and makes a game of guessing things about others based on their appearance or mannerisms or personal spaces, both to entertain herself and to utilize this knowledge for later bullying.

I, the undersigned, hereby agree to follow the charter of walpurgis and all rules therein:




✦🔒 ability once had, now entirely unavailable in her current state
✦🔐 ability available only under specific circumstances and/or in a limited capacity
✦🔓 ability still freely available

Area of Expertise

Dark Magic 🔐 - Iré possesses a natural aptitude for dark magic—primarily things like curses, necromancy, charms, and hexes. Trapped as she is in Verna's body, she's only capable of casting when in full control of Verna's physical form. She's especially fond of hexes and curses.

Pact Making 🔐 - In exchange for their soul, granting her greater power, Iré could fulfill a human’s request. This often resulted in monkey’s paw situations, with Iré almost always benefitting far more from the pact than the human. She delighted in seeing what backwards ways she could fulfill the request while still technically remaining within the human’s spoken desires—very rarely did she allow the human to actually come out better for it. Occasionally someone would request something interesting enough or word it so specifically that she could not or would not twist it. These pacts were sealed in blood and as a finality. Now, her host is the only person she’s able to make a pact with, and Verna has denied her this their entire lives together.


Possession 🔐 - Prior to her permanent binding to Verna, Iré used to be able to possess the bodies of willing* humans. Currently, Verna is the only person she is able to possess, and even then can only do it either with Verna’s permission or in times of emotional or physical weakness.
*Willing is subjective. Permission was often, if not always, obtained through trickery

Planeshifting 🔒 - Iré used to be able to move freely between this plane and that of her ancestral home. She is now incapable of this, and is grounded wherever Verna is.

Shapeshifting 🔒 - In a sense, as it is more of an illusion. Essentially, taking whatever form best suits the demon to accomplish their ends, be it a snake or a man.

Incorporeality 🔓 - In order to safely navigate the world unseen, Iré is able to determine who can see and hear her and when they can do so. This ability still stands, and Iré is excited to use it to jumpscare anyone and everyone.

Dark Magic, expanded 🔐 - Further clarification on some of Iré’s favored magic.
✦ Necromancy: By sapping life around her, Iré can bring something once living back from the dead. More energy is needed for the longer it has been dead & the longer it’s natural lifespan. Lifeforce stolen can be from things technically living, such as plantlife, or things more traditionally alive.
✦ Hexes & curses: Most of Iré’s favored spells are ones that cause mental harm. She used to favor physical harm, but cursing maidens to turn into creatures at night has fallen out of fashion and modern medicine has made dealing with many physical ailments easier. Iré has learned that giving someone terrifying nightly visions, false memories, or an anxiety disorder is sometimes just more satisfying.
✦ Charms: Iré’s preferred usage of charm tends towards encouraging people towards bad decisions. She loves playing cupid in the worst of ways, especially.


Aside from limitations mentioned above, Iré is also limited by…

This Body Is Not My Own - Iré, for the most part, does not get to choose when she gets use of Verna’s body. The only ability she has access to at all times is choosing when to be perceived. Even then, something about casting while in control feels weakened and wrong. Probably Verna’s pathetic human flesh.

I Signed That Stupid Charter, Didn’t I? - She knows where she is and she knows the rules. She doesn’t like it and she thinks it’s, quote, “p*ssy shit”, but she’ll behave… for now. Besides… at least she’s finally around people other than Verna’s stupid cult member mother.

The Conditions Of Binding - Annoyingly, Iré is not permitted to harm those who cast the binding. Daphne and her former friends would have been dead long ago, were this not the case. She is also not permitted to cause grievous harm to her host.

Incorporeality - A double-edged sword, now that Iré can only have a physical form under certain conditions, more often than not she is trapped in her incorporeal state. Her interaction with the world around her is extremely limited, comparable to that of a weak-leveled poltergeist, for example. She can touch things, but it takes great exertion to move them, and the heavier the object the less likely she’ll be able to move it. She can throw an apple about five feet maximum, for example.

Holy Magic - Ugh. Utterly disgusting. Even thinking of it makes her flesh crawl. In a way, Verna’s human nature shields Iré from the worst of the effects, and her physical tether to this plane of existence prevents her from being banished outright, so it doesn’t affect her as badly as it might were she without her human meat shield. Still, it makes her feel physically ill, and Verna and Iré have a hard time spending long amounts of time on holy ground without growing sick.


Personal Lore



Previously a long-lived, long-bored demon, Iré’s evil deeds brought her into the focus of a demon hunting group that subsequently bound her to a mortal in order to kill her. Failing that, Iré has now been stuck for the past twenty-seven years to Verna Telmas, and boy is she pissed.

Early Life

Iré has had a very, very, very long life. A majority of it has been spent tormenting those she comes across and gathering souls to make herself stronger. There are some instances she’s proud of, and those she regrets—not for noble reasons, but that she felt she could have achieved her wicked goals better. She’s watched countless humans be born and die, and while she’s followed some (and, of course, harmed or helped them along the way), she often found herself terribly bored with it all. Each additional soul added to her power brought a rush, but each passing year made it less and less of a novelty. She tried making her pacts more engaging, but humans seemed to always ask for the same things—money, sex, power. This, she understood. She related, even, but when human after human asked for the same, she grew even more bored.

There were times when certain inventions, wars, invasions, or other events interested her, but Iré spent long years slumbering, hoping to wake up to something different later. (She slept through the entirety of the bubonic plague and has never quite forgiven herself for that.) Something about the past 150 years or so has kept her interested; interested enough to bring herself back to the attention of a certain demon hunting order. She had managed to avoid encounters with groups like this before in the past, some narrowly so. It wasn’t uncommon for her kind to brush with a number of exorcists, but proper demon killers were a little more rare. Twenty-seven years ago, she was summoned and bound to Verna. How frustrating, then, that a member named Daphne Telmas took pity on the mortal, and "rescued" her... but not before the demon and child had been bound together.

Most of Verna’s young childhood was spent trying to take the child’s body for herself, simultaneously goading the former demon hunter that rescued them to kill her. Infuriatingly, Verna never gave in for more than a day, and Daphne never killed her.

Iré would continue the rest of Daphne’s life trying to convince her to murder her now-child in a bid to put herself out her misery… but much more as a game. There were times when Daphne got close, and Iré enjoyed that. She began teaching Verna magic, craving some kind of output for her power, but Daphne put a halt to that as soon as she found out. Begrudgingly, Iré compromised, choosing to teach Verna to brew potions. Eventually, Daphne never killed Verna, passing away herself and leaving Iré without a game and Verna without a mother.

Moving to Walpurgis

Iré and Verna discussed where to go after Daphne’s death, and chose Walpurgis. Verna was told that Walpurgis was one of the magical communities that might welcome her and her demon, and Iré agreed in hopes for one last interesting thing in her now-mortal life.

Present Day

These days, Iré has done her best to settle into a stinkin’ little podunk town where she can’t even use her magic. Since Verna’s experience with others was extremely limited growing up, Verna chose a plot of land bordering the Arcadian Fields and the Blackwood Creek, favoring a combination of the fertile land of the fields and the privacy of the creek. Aside from Verna, Iré lives on her own, along with a few chickens and goats and now a freakish mutant opossum. She spends time following no more than twelve feet behind Verna while she does whatever it is she does. As of this writing (May 2021), Iré has been in Walpurgis for nearly four months.

Race Lore

Iré’s particular variety of demon is one focused on gathering souls not only to increase their own power, but to also pass into hell. Sowing discord and generally encouraging a wide definition of sin are not only favored pastimes, but often seen as necessities. They can take many forms depending on what benefits them most, move freely between this plane and hell’s plane, possess human vessels, and create pacts with humans in exchange for their souls. They are generally very long-lived, some still-living demons claiming to have been the first ones to exist (aside from The Big Man himself, of course), and rarely die of natural causes.






Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Item Name

Item description goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit graeci tamquam iuvaret an, invenire postulant ne per. Albucius omnesque eu nec, his alienum pertinacia philosophia id, no partiendo facilisis nec.

Item Name

Item description goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit graeci tamquam iuvaret an, invenire postulant ne per. Albucius omnesque eu nec, his alienum pertinacia philosophia id, no partiendo facilisis nec.

Item Name

Item description goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit graeci tamquam iuvaret an, invenire postulant ne per. Albucius omnesque eu nec, his alienum pertinacia philosophia id, no partiendo facilisis nec.


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