


5 months, 5 days ago


Name: ?  

Status- Alive, Age Unknown, Open for relationships

Gender- Unknown

Species- Unknown, acts like a gremlin or a mischievous ghost  

Personality- Mischievous, troublemaker, likes to break things, mess with other people's stuff, steal things just to annoy others, but doesn't keep them, make sudden noises or scream, has a short attention span, but its curious about everything. Likes to get constant attention, hidde in small places to jump out and scare others, playful, curious, needs to be active and doing anything or will be a problem, can be helpful if given a task and a goal. No idea where it came from, what it wants, where it goes, it just appeared one night and does whatever it wants.

Size: approximately 15cm, can change size
Teeth: Dark big round teeth
Abilities: teleports and faces through things
Appearance: no ears, has horns and spikes, no arms, big paws and claws, semi transparent, glows in the dark
Tail: long demon tail with spikes
Markings: green and glowing markings.
Colors: Light teal body, green mouth, eyes, and markings, dark gray teeth