


5 months, 11 days ago


had the idea that Kalystos looks a lot like his mother and got an idea in my head about her. so here she is.

Shes from a long line of lion leopard hybrids that live by the base of big snowy mountains in a tribe. they're not too fond of outsiders but she met her first outsider when she got stuck in a blizzard. A very large and fluffy strangely patterned snowleopard named Isadore found her freezing and burried in snow and guided her back to her tribe. He thought her eyes were extremely beautiful like gemstones, so sparks immediately started to fly between the two as they fell hard for eachother. After some time, she had a small frail son after many failed attempt at trying to have kids that never developed to birth. She is content with her little miracle though and Isadore decided to name him after his mother because he has the same beautiful gemstone eyes as she does. She calls him her "little snowflake" because of how frail but beautiful and bright he is.

mother to Kalystos and mates with Isadore