
🎄Congrats to the winners!! :D fancycaptain raveytail Marecreations B1NN0 Neon-Ghost-Berry

ty all for entering!! Pls reply to this comment or message me with the oc you’d like drawn! :D

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Ofc!! Love the design omg

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Thank you!! This one please :0

Will do! :D

YOOOO!!!! I’d love to have IC drawn, if you’re alright drawing object heads!! If not just lmk!!

OOO YEA OFC ihavent drawn one in so long theyr so fun, can’t wait to draw him!

YAYAYA EHEHEHE, yea they are!! Im so excited to see your take on him!! ;]

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Heyo! Just lettin u know that i can’t access this character anymore! If u still want em drawn feel free to dm me a key for them or u can send another oc for me to draw! :]

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subbed, faved this + all 12 ^_^ 

My favorite thing about holidays is gathering around with family!! 

subbed, faved this and ALL 12 !! 

- And,... My fave thing about holidays is that I get the chance to have a break because MAN! I would deflate if there are no holidays.., [Plus I like giving and receiving gifts mwehehe]

[24 total]

Thank you for the opportunity and Merry Christmas!!! Faved this and already subbed 💜💜💜💜

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  • faved this post! (+10)
  • i love the food!! mum always cooks a really nice meal (+1)
  • faved all 12! (here & here, for some reason soren only went in my regular faves?? silly guy) (+12)
  • already subbed! (+1)
  • bulletin made (+1)
total: 25!
i like an excuse to format nicely :sob:

GDHSGS I totally get wanting to format nicely 

‘ohh yea I notice it usually does that with faves when it’s a tab, if u wanna put em in a certain fave folder u actually have to go and do that in the settings which is just aaaaa like dang it, what’s with all the extra needed work  just to organize a fav GDJAGD

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Faved 5 of your sillies!!

I love watching Christmas movies, listening to Christmas music and opening presents >;] oh and ofc seeing family!

And the bulletin!

Did everything but the bulletin! 

My favorite things about the holidays is Christmas lights bc with my glasses off the lights look so magical

faved this and subbed, also faved all 12 chars they're all so cool :0 fav thing about the holidays is melomakarona B)

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dude ur art is so cool !!! did required and faved three other guys ^_^ one thing i love about the holidays is the break from school lol

AAA TYSM ur art is so rad omg, I love love ur style :0

Right now I'm camping with my parents for the holidays! I'm enjoying that :)

Done all! My favourite thing about the holidays is spending time with family!

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Faved and entering! tysm for the chance!!

Faved I love spending time with family and ofc gifts are a bonus and fun

Favorited and subbed! One thing I love about the holidays is the snow (but I have yet to experience a white Christmas bc of where I live 😭)

Thank you for hosting this raffle! <3

Faved and subbed!!! :] my fav part of the holidays is going to my aunts to eat Christmas dinner!

Faved Cain and already subbed!

What I like most about the holidays is to get together with family and have a good time! ^^

Faved this, already subbed and faved all 12 characters :D

What I like the most is spending more time with family and baking cookies!!

(God I love ur art and characters I j had to do everything-)
Faved + subbed + I like giving gifts + Faved all 12 + Bulletin:


Did all! Faved all 12 OCs, and here's the bulletin:

I like the holidays because the cold season but the warmth of a bed, blankets, and friends is just a really good feeling to have! <3

Faved six of the characters, I really like wrapping gifts! Which I guess is not exclusive to the holiday season but there is a lot more chance to :3

Did all and here's the bulletin!

I like the holidays because I finally get to do my own thing rather than uni drawing assignments ^^

(Also saw that you like kid icarus :0 love the dark pit pfp <3)

OMG YESS! it’s my fave game ever! :D and ty! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii / isa2 drew it!!

Did everything but the bulletin:) I like having a chance to rest from the emotional exhaustion that is high school

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I really like the snow !! I like getting up when it’s still dark in the morning and going outside to see it

Faved all 12 ocs !! I really liked them!!