


5 years, 9 months ago


Eivar Dottie

Creepy . Inquisitive . Whimsical

Nickname None
Class Bard
Age 18
Race Tiefling
Pronouns She/Her
Sexuality Homoromantic/Homosexual
Height 5'4
Weight 53 kg
Demeanour Eerie


  • Wandering
  • Perfume
  • Lakes
  • Stars


  • Handcuffs
  • Chains
  • Rocks
  • Wells


Eivar grew up in a small town, where she was viewed as a creepy child, and was often spurned. She learned quickly that people would pay attention to her when she did creepy things, and so she acted that up as much as possible, desperate for attention. The other kids in the town hated her, and would throw rocks at her, hurt her, and yell at her. She assumed they were friends, and this was normal behaviour.

When she was a young teenager, the kids threw her down a well. She was down there for several days, and died numerous times, coming back each time with no memory of the last few days. She thinks she was only down there for two days. While she was in the well, Charity found and rescued her.

When Eivar went back to her house, she found it empty, except for a box with a note. The note explained that her father had left, and that she was responsible for the box now. She took the box, and left with the Charity. She has been collecting souls and travelling ever since.

Outfit Design

Eivar doesn't show it much, but she has quite a love for clothes. She likes looking pretty and elegant, but her eye is always drawn to odd clothing. She loves wearing dresses and clothing with a high neck. She loves clothes that have patterns on them, and likes her clothes to be accented with frills or pretty edging. She always wears her amethyst necklace, because her sister got it for her.

Eivar wears purples and blacks. If she wears other jewellery, it is normally amethyst with a dark coloured chain.


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