


5 months, 23 days ago



Full Name Qin Wuya
Alias The Raven
Gender Male (he/him)
Age In his 50s
Birthday January 28th
Height 176cm (5'8")
Species Monkey

Wuya is Chengguang’s husband and the father to Minhuang and Fenghe. He went missing without a trace when Fenghe was just four years old, leaving Chengguang to shoulder all responsibilities on her own. The truth of his disappearance was that he accidentally found out the Domain’s secret, after which he couldn’t bear doing their bidding any longer. He also feared he would be silenced for knowing too much, and fled to a remote, sparsely populated Island, where he took on the role of a hunter and became known as ‘The Raven.’

Many years later, he is reunited with his daughter Fenghe by chance and promptly joins the rebellion. He eventually crosses paths with Chengguang and Minhuang again as well, albeit on opposing sides.


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Mattis nunc sed blandit libero volutpat. Mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean. Id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget. Enim ut sem viverra aliquet eget. Iaculis nunc sed augue lacus.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.


  • Birds
  • Hiking through the woods
  • His family


  • Central City
  • 2
  • 3

original html by pinky / tweaks by me