


5 months, 15 days ago


This fuckin bastard (waiting to be okay'd but submitting here now)

~Demi God of Embers~



The Phoenix is a legendary tale of rebirth, however not all of them come out untainted.

This Krenchi was a well known firebreather in the local circus, they'd grow into a strong adult that braved the dangers of the flame with reckless abandon. 

After a particularly poor few years they were fired, and replaced with a younger performer the same day. His life uprooted so suddenly he turned to unhealthy coping habits such as drugs and crime- Arson and Robbery specifically. This got the eyes of multiple gangs on him, as well as the police- and he'd be involved with many a gang war and police raid, nearly getting trapped in the flames just to make it out at the last minute. 

Onlookers would describe it as a magic act, and The Gods would start to pay attention too.

The Goddess of Embers, Im'Kyra, would visit him in his dreams in the form of visions. She gave him ideas and taught him tricks, and eventually started visiting him in the mortal realm.

They would often fight however, as couples do, but with these two it usually involved the deaths of many innocents due to the inferno that engulfed the land around them. 

The Performer, during a drunken and high argument would turn to spousal abuse. He hit her and burned her and broke the bones of her avatar, until he covered her in petrol and set her aflame in her own element. 

It may have been the flames, it may have been the broken heart, but Im'Krya died that night and took half of Trade Central with her in the fire. And The Performer crawled out burned and broken, forever cursed by his lover's soul to be shamed.