"Six" Andrews



6 months, 4 days ago


"Six" Andrews, also known as "the Interloper" is a cocky bastard who unfortunately has the smarts to back up his attitude. He isn't exactly a scientist, but the projects in the back of his garage could put most professionally funded projects to shame. He uses this skill to slightly annoy his peers or to sell petty hacks online!

Six was once someone's lab project himself, a biomechanical android made with real flesh and blood meant to run an AI created to assist his inventor, based on their own personality. Six did not care for being treated like free labour, so in his spare time he re-invented himself until he could easily outclass his creator. 

Through some freak accident, Six managed to create a technology that allows him to hop in-between dimensions. This is where he got the nickname "the Interloper", as there were definitely dimensions who caught onto him and even people with similar ideas for technology. 

Despite his attitude and his background, he is not evil. Just a fun loving bastard. He has since re-invented himself and his technology many times, allowing him to travel through dimensions at will with whoever or whatever he wants given he has enough energy. He also cannot travel through time, meaning he has to stay in the current of whatever dimension he visits.

Six is mostly human in biology, with the only things distinguishable from flesh and blood being the inside of his bones where his wires run and his brain. His mechanical properties mean his body is extremely durable (most of his biological parts are truly just for show) and he can be stabbed, shot, burned, drowned, etc without much of a worry. His biological aspects being fake means he does not need to eat or drink to survive, but he does need to sleep in order to "recharge". He has a lab in a pocket dimension where he can go to fix himself up if damaged. He can be disabled when his brain is damaged, but he has his consciousness backed up on his home computer. So basically, you can't get him gone for long.

nft - being used in a RP

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