🏕 Terry Terrain🪃



6 months, 5 days ago


🏕 Name: Terry Terrain

🪃 Age: 25

🏕 Gender: Male

🪃 Species: Tapir

🏕 Abilities: Strong Arms, Snorkel Nose

“Remember kids, stay close to me, unless ya wanna be EATEN! Haha just kidding you all got this..but do stick close to me though don’t get lost-“ -Terry with his scouts

The Terrains are known for being quite the daredevils, using their natural skill doing wild stunts to amaze the world! Terry on the other hand is the “Black Sheep” of the family, rather than using their skills for self gain, they use their skills to take a humble job and help little kids learn survival skills. Terry got a job as Counselor in the Good Egg Summer Camp! Where the lil munchkins go on expeditions, learn to camp, play games and more! Most people think it’s a lil wasteful considering knowing Terrys background, but he doesn’t care. Though at late nights, he can’t help but have some fun out in the woods, guess wanting thrilling action runs in the family-