
4 months, 14 days ago

Basic Info

Profile is a W.I.P

Will be cleaned up later when I have time


work in progress idol girl.

- She's normally a pretty calm girl who uses her powers to bless others giving them a blueish glow and protection from attacks. She uses her staff to amplify her power to protect more than one person. She carries her staff on her back when not in use.

- Usually has legs but can have her legs transform into a pillar like shape. (usually does this when planting herself in the ground to focus using her power without the staff but not always.)

- She can fly a bit off the ground when in pillar leg form.

- Looks like an angel, is actually a demon. Hates when people say she's a demon, she fully believes she's an angel due to how she was raised and thinks others are just being rude when calling her that.

- Was raised by a Ferryman, who made the staff for her. (Ferryman character is yet to be made and named.)