


4 months, 20 days ago


Monokiyo was originally intended to be a rockstar but he ended up being forced to become a streamer by team danganronpa. They needed someone who would be able to reach a wide audience to straight up brainwash them into supporting the KILLING GAMES!! So Monokiyo was no longer a rockstar and that gimmick was given to monokid instead. He ended up receiving a lot of attention online and quickly became a really popular streamer simply because people thought he was really cute.

Monokiyo is a morally gray character. He's constantly switching sides, some days he'll root for the students and others times he's gonna wish all of them could just die. He could also volunteer to help someone without anyone asking and then a few hours later he beats a homeless person to death in an alley. He doesn't seem to have any reason to act one way or another, he's just kinda doing his own thing. He's very extroverted and likes being around people. He LOVES people... maybe a bit too much...!! He's straight up addicted to attention and he's very needy. He really likes cuddles, hugs, or any other kind of physical attention. He doesn't even know he's annoying as hell because as a streamer with an audience who thinks hes cute af, they just encourage him to stay that way. He also went crazy from streaming everyday for so long so he always thinks he's live and will talk to himself as if he was talking to his chat...... Oops! Finally, he still has some bits of his ancient ass personality from when he was first built and programmed to be a rocker, so he's loud and will sometimes be crude.