“Dead End” [CLOSED]



5 months, 25 days ago



PRICE: $30+

Offering above the base price will get you more art by your request of the character! I can add on to the sheet, draw a portrait, or more depending on your offer! If you offer more than the base price, I can also make adjustments to the character designs.

You may also offer me art trades on top of your purchase to add more character art slots onto your trade. Say, base price + crochet craft (or whatever you want to trade for) = reference + additional art of this character! The amount and style of art depends on your offer!


You may offer to trade for the character design.  You can offer digital and traditional art, crafts, etc. Just ask me and I’ll let you know if I’m interested! If I don’t want to trade for what you have to offer, you may still purchase the character.

You may also offer me art trades on top of your purchase to add more character art slots onto your trade. The amount and style of art depends on your offer!

I have the right to refuse trades. You must send me examples of what you would trade to receive the character. I usually prefer to have art done of my OCs, so send me an example of your art and you can create a new piece if I accept! 


I take payments preferably through VenMo, though PayPal also works.

You will receive a high quality PNG upon ownership. 

You may update and change the deigns of the characters however you’d like once you become its owner. You may also resell them.

Comment or DM me to claim!