Dr. Roy Archer



4 months, 28 days ago


Here you go! :D (keeping this bc i like remembering :3)

Name: Roy Archer
Age: 65
Birthday: 16th of august, 1935. (Leo) ((I'm still guessing that the black mesa incident takes place during the 2000's))
Pronouns: He/him
Height 5'8 /1,78
Species: Human
Status: Alive
Occupation: Former biochemist and researcher for Black Mesa.

Archie, or Dr.Roy  Archer (for foes), was a biochemist at black mesa.
Due  to Roy's obession and love with his work and studying unknown lifeforms  he might have stolen some of the test subjects and brought them to his  house to experiment further, thus discovering that headcrabs can be  tamed and kept as pets if taken the right precautions.
This lead to  Roy being fired just the day before the resonance cascade, saving him  and his two new pets (Marie and Charlotte) while also leaving them alive  to see the rise of the combine and fall of black mesa.

Fun facts???? (They're all on his ref but i like writting)
- He likes dancing! But his specialty is quick step and tap dancing :)