


5 months, 30 days ago


PebbleFrost - warrior

She/Her, she-cat

27 moons


A bluish grey pelted feline from ShadowClan, swirls and Fades tracing her fur. Her eyes are tinted a cold frosty grey-ish to white color.

She is a tall lanky feline with few visible muscles, and a serval-like tail.

On her head she wears flowers, as well as on her right front leg, both in a nice white-ish/grey color to compliment her eyes.


PebbleFrost is known for her really bad sense of humor and drowsy appearance. Don’t know where PebbleFrost is? Probably napping in the warrior den. PebbleFrost didn’t appear in time for patrols? Napping. PebbleFrost not appearing in time for dinner? Napping.

She loooves observing little arguments and drama. You’re arguing with someone and suddenly hear someone snort loudly? Yeah that’s PebbleFrost.

Even though she has a hard time taking stuff seriously, she does have the ability to hold normal conversations. But most of the time you’ll have to expect some really bad jokes in between.

She has no intention of working herself up in the ranks, simply wanting to enjoy her clan life.

Mate: none (may develop throughout rp)

Kin: none (just ask if ya want your oc to be related to her)

Friendships/Relationships: tbd

Skills: due to her calm and observing nature she is really good in picking up small details, a lot would’ve missed.

Even though she is rather drowsy, she does have certain skills in hunting. It might take a little longer and is less hectic, but she will almost always bring home prey.