


5 years, 10 months ago


"one of the two alliances top dogs, never call them girly"

Name:  Athena 

Nickname(s): flame (by chizuru), red (by ace)

Gender:  female 

Range: short range attacker 

Personality: has a tendency to become cocky, will never underestimate an enemy, shows respect for anyone strong enough to beat her in a battle or at least last a while against her, quirky, refuses to back down from a fight unless it might cost her or Chizuru their life, if she becomes angry then her actions become reckless and she will make decisions that will cost her a lot (only Chizuru can calm her down), insecure. 

Powers:  Fire magic with the ability to summon hand held short range weapons (ie swords, daggers, knives) 

Gem: if the white gems on her wrist was to become broken or ripped of then Athena would loose all abilities, powers and her red markings. the marking colour would revert back to her original white colour. to prevent any damage to the gems Athena covers them up with a pair or gloves. the gems also allows Athena to target set people, meaning she can avoid friendly fire. if the gem is working then Athena is able to summon an artificial idolen with her gem- this idolen in a large white tiger which is used to protect or attack depending on the situation.

Other: Athena has 2 gems (one on each wrist) these gems are slightly weaker than Chizurus. her left one contains fire magic where has her right one contains the ability to summon weapons. if one was to become broken then she would loose the ability of that one gem and her targeting would be reduced to 50% meaning she may hurt Chizuru in battle.