


5 months, 27 days ago


Name: Bristlepelt

Gender: Tom (Cis, He/Him)

Rank: Warrior

Theme: The Rake's Song - The Decemberists

Worth: $2.00

Story: Perhaps no member of the Place of No Stars is so deserving of their place as Bristlepelt. In life, he was a layabout, hardly an asset to his clan, though his attachment to his mate was undeniable. When she passed giving birth to their four kits, the last of whom died with her, Bristlepelt was driven to hatred for his offspring. Over the moons, he murdered each one by one in truly horrific ways, never caught for his crimes.

On his deathbed, Bristlepelt confided in his clan's medicine cat, Rabbitfur, about the deaths of his kits, and against the code was allowed to die without treatment. Condemned to the Dark Forest for his crimes, he is punished by three, pitch-feathered ravens who tear him apart each night, only to awaken whole and unharmed the night day; a reminder of the three lives he took.