Shade Pearl



5 months, 2 days ago


shade pearl

he/him • barkeep • corrupted • young adult

shade pearl runs a small bar in a dimly lit corner of the lavender promenade. he's the closest thing to an emissary of the wisteria court, being open to all kinds of visitors and often being the first stop to outsiders. being too young, he feels little against the royalty of rose court, and lets people believe whatever they want to believe. he's not entirely too fond of iolite, feeling like the man is more of a cult of personality rather than any kind of leader, but beggars can't be choosers. despite his ambivalence towards the past of the two courts, he is close to many of the elderly within the wisteria court and makes sure to stop off at all of their places to bring them food, drink, and conversation for a small fee.

shade pearl has no known relations.