Theodore ( Neo )



4 months, 15 days ago

Basic Info

✦ Name


✦ Crystal / Stone

✦ LABADORITE ✦ : Relationship Building | Multi-Talented/Purpose | Intellect | Inner Worth | Work Balance | Vice Breaker | Color Shift

✦ Nicknames

Theo | Neo | Neon

✦ Race / Species

Half Elf

✦ Height


✦ Body Features

Tattoos : Chest/Neck and Forearms | Blue hair when wearing lenses

✦ Likes

Fine Dining | Reading | Music | Smoking | Coffee | Alcohol | Jewelry | Nice Clothes ( and designing them )

✦ Dislikes

Doing Physical Labor/Chores | Getting Dirty


The son of two world famous Dragon Racers. Theo has a very lavish and privileged life of luxury. 

Travel, fine dining, high end education, and access to endless opportunities. Since his parents travel all over the world he has taken on many many hobbies and extra curricular activities to occupy his time.  Medicine, Music, Modeling, Art, Lapidary, Fashion and more! Name it and he's probably dabbled in it at least once. One of his major time investments is designing armor and gear for his parents.

Having a high profile lifestyle ; he has had many relationships/partners through the years but unfortunately none of his relationships lasted very long. From the constant travel, work, and people dating him / wanting friendships for his family's money it makes it very hard to have any kind of lasting or meaningful relationships with others; ( celebrity relationships am I right?? ) That is until he crossed paths with a particular Fluffy boi.


✦ " Neo " is a public facing name he uses.

✦  He has a pair of " Charmed " lenses that he wears when he is in the public eye at events and shows, etc, to hide his appearance. This helps keeps his private life private. These lenses change his hair blue and turn his tattoos invisible.  Its a simple yet very effect disguise. ( He's literally pulling a " Clark Kent " move on everyone and it some how works ?? )

✦ He is accustom to getting and doing what he wants, when he wants.... he can be a wee bit spoiled sometimes. ( Aros does NOT play in to his " spoiled rich kid " antics )

✦ He's a smoker...he is trying to quit and failing...

✦ He really likes designing clothing. Him and Ikia share a love for nice clothes and its so cute