


5 months, 19 days ago


Nothing in this life comes for free, you gotta work for you keep. But if you ever see someone who drowning, someone needs to give them a boost for air. 
  • Full Name Corrix Pondskimmer
  • Age 56
  • HatchdayMarch 5th, 1873
  • Height5.3cm
  • GenderMale
  • Sexuality Heterosexual
  • SpeciesMiinu (Water Boatman)
  • BirthplaceThe Grotto
  • HomeThe Grotto
  • Languages Miinuvian
  • Playlist
    Aniso (Adoptive Son)

    Puncta (Father)

Corrix is a water boatman Miinu. He's a fisherman and Aniso's adoptive father.


Corrix appears as an olive green miinu with muted red eyes and dark brown hair that fades to golden yellow around mutton chops. His toes and legs are webbed, allowing him to swim efficiently in the water. He dresses in a simple shirt, suspenders and trousers with a fisherman's cap adoring his head. 


Corrix comes off as grumpy, brooding, and a little scary. He has a reputation for being a silent loner, living off alone in a cabin just outside of the Grotto, only stopping by to sell valuable fish and tadpoles to the market. However, he surprised everyone by adopting Aniso. He has a hidden nurturing side that only Aniso and Fours has seen first hand. Corrix is on the older side and is able to gave Aniso a lot of well needed life advice, and taught him the value of hard work.


Corrix has lived in the Grotto all his life, though his grandparents were old enough to remember the old village and when everyone had to retreat deeper into the forest. It was them who built the cabin that he grew up in before passing away. He learned to fish from his father, who was always very proud of his contributions to the Grotto. Corrix always enjoyed spending time alone with his father.

However, during one of their fishing expeditions, his father would push him out of the way of a hungry fish and get eaten in his stead. He mourned his father for a long time after that, and in his depression, he isolated himself from the rest of the village. This changed when the ants found Aniso, and he gained the chance to be a father himself. Being the only one who could take care of a water bound nymph like Aniso, he built an underwater addition to the cabin for Aniso to live and grow up in. 

He taught Aniso fishing and survival skills in much the same way his own father did, but was always more cautious, and always emphasized how dangerous the world was to the unprepared. Even if you think you are prepared, the world can take you out in a moments notice. 

As soon as Aniso metamorphized as a teenager, he'd send him into town to make fish deliveries, where he'd meet the villagers and find a fondness for helping people.


  • Smoked Sardine
  • The Lake
  • Nature


  • Social Gatherings
  • Catfish
  • Droughts 


  • Corrix can hold his breath for hours at a time and will often spend a while underwater fishing.