- $5/OTA Closed's Comments

Can I take the last one? 

of course! please send to <removed link> as usual! 

Now I’m awake I’ve sent it over!

got it! just sent the transfer

is 13 still open? id love to AB them!

Hello! Hope you're doing well ^^ 

I was wondering, if 3 is still available, may I adopt plz? No worries if not tho 🧡 

Hi! Is 6 open still? Do they come with a autobuy price?

6 is taken sorry ^^ but thank you much for the interest!

Can I get 23!

they’re currently pending on instagram but i can let you know if it falls through!

Awesome! Just drop me ping if it does!

can i buy 24 please

of course! ill dm you for payment 

is 14 still open?

its been taken, but thank you for the interest!

could i buy 8 please?

of course! sent you paypal for payment 🙏

Can I AB 6? OwO 

yeah!! :o  go ahead and send to my Paypal like usual :3c

Sent the payment OwO 💚

got it! will transfer shortly 

Thank you!

Can I roll?

of course! you rolled 2! would you like to keep or reroll?untitled_by_neongutz_dgmus4r-pre.jpg?tok

Reroll please

you rerolled 9! your current total is $15, would you like to keep or reroll?untitled_by_neongutz_dgmw5gi-pre.jpg?tok

Keep please!

ill message you for payment!

I’d love a roll via PayPal, please

of course! you rolled 12! would you like to keep or reroll?



i’ll message you for payment !

Can I AB 10 and send the money in the morning?OwO 

yes! just let me know when you do/are ready please 

Sorry for the wait, I’m ready to pay OwO 

Hi! Is it possible to AB 16 and do a single roll please? :o PayPal as well if you don’t mind

yes you can, i’ll save it for you and at the end for you can pay tor both once you’ve finished rolling 🙏

for the roll, you rolled 11, would you like to keep or reroll?

roll + ab = currently at $33


I’ll keep both! Thank you!

awesome, i’ll message you for payment

Would love to roll ! Paypal please

of course! you rolled 25!

would you like to keep or reroll?


all dm you for payment!

Can I roll? :0 

hey! you rolled 22! would you like to keep or reroll? dgma5b1-dea5d74d-676b-4dff-89b0-cdadb121

Can I reroll?

of course! you rerolled 18,

your current price is $12 + $3, $15

would you like to keep or reroll?



i’ll message you for payment!

4 Replies