


5 months, 14 days ago


Male dragon. Lives in a fantasy forest. He is mute. Little is known about his childhood.

He is pretty introverted and can be grumpy at times. He mostly likes to keep to himself, with the exception of enjoying being around my griffin OC, as explained below.

He has a strong connection with the trees of the forest. His horns/antlers are basically made of wood, and they grow and shed leaves throughout the seasons. It is thought that the wind rustling through the trees speaks to him. He is like a guardian of the forest; if anything threatens its boughs, he will be there to defend it.

He found the griffin all alone in the forest when the griffin was young; it's unknown what happened to the griffin's family/parents. Adelphus would have been like an older teenager age at this time. Adelphus felt compelled to take him in and take care of him. The two finished growing up together, basically becoming brothers.

Adelphus is very protective of the griffin. If anyone so much as makes fun of him, Adelphus is quick to stand up for him, even if just with a silent angry stare and threatening stance.