The forbidden



5 months, 13 days ago




NAME: Nazarha
AGE: ?



SPECIES: Winged rapterian
HEIGHT: Grows any size he wants
VOICE: link

eyes can be anywhere on his body
Based off a peacock
His tail is a bunch of feathers


"My eyes don't lie"

"I can see your secrets, past, and every move"


One of the most powerful spirits in the forest. The forbidden aka Nazarha, lives in a hollow tree deep far away from the others in the forest. No one can escape his sights with the thousands of eyes he has placed around the forest and on him. He also has sentient red eyes following him everywhere, that watch his back or things far away from him. These eyes have minds of their own and can even be heard to have voices. It’s impossible to try and sneak up and attack him. He’s the former prince of the corruption forest before he was executed for treason and betrayal. His ambition for blood and revenge corrupted him the more he stayed in the forest, until he transformed into the monster he is today. At the moment, he’s trying to figure out a plan to leave the forest and help the others escape. He plans on taking the crown from Crystellia and ruling the rainfall kingdom.



  • Blood
  • Dead things
  • Fights


  • Anything in his eyes
  • Reading
  • Hanging out with Falah

He’s sadistic and constantly ambitious for blood and fights. He has no problem fighting any other spirit, knowing he will most likely win. He has an interest for small dead animals and blood, an obsession he has had since a child. He can have a temper when things don’t go his way and usually copes with his anger by using violence. He enjoys scaring people and causing screams. He’s also extremely manipulative, and knows how to get his way. How he manipulates you is studying your interests and movement and uses it against you for his own personal gain. Nazarha was shamed for all his life for always being different from others, but instead learns to embrace himself rather than shy away.




Nazarha saw a troubled teen that died at a young age, and saw himself in her. He took her in and trained her, eventually adopting her as his own daughter. He’s supportive of her, despite being evil. When he has freetime he goes to visit Falah whenever he can to talk to her and show he migjt be busy, but loves her dearly. She's one of the only proofs he has empathy.


Queen Crystellia

They had a strong sibling relationship all the way to his death. When Nazarha found out his newborn sister had down syndrome, Nazarha made it his mission to take care of her and always protect her. Because everyone was already scared of the prince, no one dared to hurt Crystellia or suffer his wrath. He misses her everyday and often dreams about her and him reuniting. Despite him wanting to take the crown, he doesn’t want to hurt Crystellia and wonders if he can even convince her to just give it up to him.

Isabel LaRosa - Eyes don't lie