The Red Baron



5 months, 10 days ago


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The Red Baron

Unknown . Nonbinary . they/it

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「 Lord of Dicario 」

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alias The Red Baron
species Tiefling
height 6'4
build Cat-like
role Mysterious Bureaucrat
affiliation Rosewell Alliance
demeanor Quiet
alignment Lawful

The Red Baron is a mysterious figure in Dicario’s high society. What is known is that they’re a red tiefling of unknown gender or age. The Red Baron has led the city as far back as the history goes, and all sorts of mysterious theories swirl about regarding the truth of their identity. Some say they’re an immortal demon, enacting evil will throughout the world. Other’s say it’s a title, passed down from parent to child through the centuries. And yet others claim that the Red Baron dosent exist at all, and it’s just one of the noble’s in disguise. Regardless, anyone who’s tried to defy the Baron’s verdicts or laws, or tried to impersonate them has vanished, whisked away to who knows where. With an intricate network of spies, messengers, and emissaries, the Baron of Red controls Dicario’s economy, government, and armed forces, moving pieces across the board towards unknown goals. It’s said that if the Baron appears in person, the situation is already dire. Either you have something they need-or you’re in their way.


Positive Fair / Non-Judgemental / Perceptive

Neutral Quiet / Reserved / Casual

Negative Deceptive / Secretive / Apathetic

The Baron has been around for centuries, and it shows in their demeanor. It dosen't care for much besides their city, and the odd, wandering affairs of adventurers. It knows that almost everyone it comes across wants something from them, or has some sort of ulterior motive. They listen, give everyone a fair chance to bat, but at the end of the day, They care for Dicario. And little else matters


  • The Red Baron is highly proficient in evocation magic, particularly spells of earth and fire. When the red baron takes to the feild, the very earth's blood revolts against you
  • The Red Baron's secret police force, the Scarlet Fist, answer to the Baron. These soldiers are well equipped, well trained, and viciously quick
  • The Red Baron has a fondness for the city's orphans. Dicario is one of the few cities with organized child fostering institutions
  • Secrecy
  • Dicario
  • The Color Red
  • Syngos
  • Xelors
  • Cruelty



designer : ME

  • The Red Baron's mask and jewelry are all a sort of bronzy gold that interact oddly with light
  • The Red Baron's clothes are fairly androgynous. Dresses, robes, and tunics frequently fill the wardrobe
  • The runes on the their cloak are in a little known dialect of Celestial. Partial translations imply something to do with the sun
  • almost every inch of skin is covered in dark greyish red wrapping, except for the baron's red palms
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code by Leporidactic | decors via fontmeme