


5 months, 24 days ago



I put this below as it is your character.
But I had some ideas when I watched the video and listened to/read the lyrics.

There are mentions of demons in the lyrics, being uncertain/afraid etc (to put it simply)... 

So, I added the end of a demon tail to the end of the snake tail, claws and demon hooves!
I originally went with a dragon but after WATCHING the dances, they move/d similarly to snakes... Especially the person in the full black outfit dancing/moving alone!
I chose red and yellow/gold from the thumbnail of the video. I wasn't sure how to portray it, but maybe you can do it better (if you like the idea!)? My idea with the scales on this design was that they would shimmer/glow when lighting touched them- similarly to how these colours make the light in the video.

I tried to give them a k-pop like hairstyle (mostly because I'm VERY out of my element with this design and song, so I hope thats okay!) as I think?? This is k-pop?

Also!! The golden arm... They have multiple, I got inspiration from the beginning of the video where the arms all appear behind the singer. I made them demon like and, to me, kinda spider like? But feel free to change them to whatever "like" you want! Also they are a "power" of his.

I REALLY hope you like this design, I genuinely tried really hard on it... It's been a long long time since I drew a fullbody design like this too, so I hope it's up to par ;0;

I'm pretty proud of this design. IF you don't like it, do feel free to give it away to someone who will.

And, as stated in my rules (design TOS on here) you are free to change the design as much as you want, as long as I am credited!
(Just don't resell without extra art, I'd maybe say this character is worth $55? since I didn't colour the lines properly ;; and I did no add-ons but feel free to use $55 as their base price if you add extra art!)