


4 months, 6 days ago


A Child between a Worldly Martial Artist and a Millennium Mage.

Sent to a world where time passes differently. By now this child is 16  years old and only has the faintest memory of his Mother and only knows  tidbits of of his father...

He is almost convinced that his folks didn't want him. Until a chest  left to him by his Mother opened, containing the Tome "Aureus Argenteus"  who tells him about his Folk...All of their accolades...and their  hardships.

Armed with knowledge and the powers of Prana and Mana flowing in his  veins he sets off to figure himself out before his 18th birthday. when a  portal to home world opens to take him back to his mother.

* He is just a ray of Sunshine!

* Though he's not immune to stress

* High Stress situations will activate a state called "The Instinct for  Violence" where he will use powers to protect himself...Or his Loved  ones. He is scared of this state...and he knows what he does when he  enters it.

* He knows Sunlight Magic! Such as being able to shine sunlight, warm things with sunlight, make tendrils of sunlight.

* He'd rather to talk things down but...Sometimes Diplomacy fails though.

Note: If you do draw him. Light Angst is fine. just don't go any deeper then "Wondering if I measure up to my folks or not...". Also considering that he is a minor no NSFW.