


5 months, 15 days ago
G1 A2


[Nekomaster Character]


  • Former bad guy. Unpleasant in some way, maybe a criminal.
    • Was caught, and thrown in prison for a bit.
    • When he came out, perhaps years later, he started feeling bad for his actions and decided to attempt a normal life. This would be when he would begin to take up carpentry as a form of coping and a means of clean income.
  • His energy takes the form of a flathead screwdriver. It used to be a mere jokeĀ that he would be better off assembling furniture and not getting into a fight, but now that's just reality.
  • Plenty skilled with the energy screwdriver as well when it comes to using it as a weapon. However, now in his 50s and having refused to partake in any fighting for ages, he's quite out of practice and incredibly slow.
  • Mostly a hermit, he stays at home and works on his various projects, only leaving and interacting with people whenever it's really needed. Doesn't really do social calls.
  • His voice is very rough and boom-y, leaving him even more intimidating on top of his size already making him spooky. Despite this, he is a pacifist in most situations.
    • He will do his best not to even yell at people, but that's not to say he's any good at refraining from raising his voice.
  • Missing a leg. Perhaps from his past actions.