
Yori is a young man, 18 years old, of Japanese descent. His short black hair is choppy but neat, with a long narrow section in the front hanging down over his face. He has sky blue eyes, and faint freckles across his cheeks and nose. He's short, with a slender frame, and soft features. He wears a silk ribbon around his neck, the only thing he has left from a girl he became obsessed with before she left town to avoid him.
He's normally very sweet, and becomes shy when talking to people, but any amount of attention or kindness risks him falling uncontrollably in love with the person being kind to him. He becomes dangerously obsessed rather easily, resulting in the people around him avoiding him like the plague. The people in his town know how easily he becomes attached to people and will avoid even making eye contact with him, never speaking with him unless absolutely necessary. This has made him very sad and lonely, which in turn has made him even more clingy to anyone who gives him the slightest amount of attention.

He doesn't mean to scare anyone, and he doesn't want to hurt anyone, but it doesn't matter to the subjects of his affection when his jealous/protective tendencies drive him to follow them home at night without their knowledge, and his desire to make them happy pushes him to break into their homes to leave chocolates and gifts in their bedrooms. He'll become so overwhelmed by his love that he'll push himself onto whoever he's obsessing over, having to be snapped back to reality by force, at which point he'll pull back and wallow in guilt. He knows he has a problem, but struggles to recognize where the line is, seeing his actions as romantic and well-intentioned, even his promises to kill for his love.
He will also unintentionally harm the people he's fallen in love with when thrown into a manic state of fear and panic. This tends to happen when they threaten to leave, or try to avoid him or run away. The idea of being alone scares him so intensely that he's even tied someone up to keep them from fleeing, only to realize minutes later that what he was doing was just making things worse. By that point, he had convinced himself that they would definitely run now, and began to have another panic attack. He was eventually convinced to untie her when she promised to stay to keep him calm. He cried a lot that day, recognizing that he had gone too far. She did eventually leave.

When he's not having mental breakdowns, he is (as mentioned above) very sweet and gentle. He enjoys reading comic books, and his favorite season is Spring. He loves dogs, but won't turn down the chance to pet a cat either. He enjoys cooking, but doesn't consider himself very good, often dropping eggshells into breakfast by accident and often over or undercooking his meals. One time he managed to do both on the same piece of food. Currently, he's freshly graduated from high school and attends university, working part-time at a small bookstore. Due to his known behavior issues, customers tend to avoid the store whenever he's on shift. Whenever he's nervous, he plays with his hair, usually rolling it between his fingers or wrapping it around a fingertip. It's a good way to tell if he's becoming stressed or simply feels shy around you.
Despite easily attaching to anyone of any gender, his true attraction is towards other men. While he may say "I love you" easily to anyone, he is more drawn to the company of other men, and had many male crushes growing up, before his behavorial issues got out of control....

After all, he wasn't always this bad. It started with him trying to walk his friends to and from school every day, and bringing lunch and presents to class to give to them. But because he wanted to spend every minute of the day with them, and showed signs of jealousy over their other friends, his classmates began to distance themselves from him little by little. This confused him so he tried harder, bringing gifts every single day, and showing up at their houses unexpectedly. He found their alternate routes to school, he found their new classes when they transferred. He followed them around school, trying desperately to get their attention. When that didn't work, he tried even harder to get any amount of attention, sneaking into their homes to leave things he thought might make them happy. But the harder he tried, the farther it pushed everyone away, until he was an outcast, labeled a danger to society. Thinking back, he's never sure where things went wrong. All he knows is that everything he does is for those he loves.

He'll do anything for you.... just please...
Don't go.

Also, he loves to be dominated.