

5 months, 11 days ago


Origins of Bearlings

Few texts on the origins of Bearlings exist, their creation is a mystery few have an interest in solving. All we know is an ancient tale that has been passed down through the years.

Many years ago in the Human Realm lived a woman, who's name has been long forgotten. she was a kind and gentl soul, who loved her daughter more than anything else in the world. One day the Mother took some crap fabric and fashioned together a friend for her daughter, a doll stuffed of cotton made to resemble a bear. The child was delighted with her new friend, but her joy did nit last long.

One day, strange men came to their home. They dragged the Mother away in shackles. She was accused of witchcraft, convicted and sentenced to death. That day the young girl cried into her bear. Her tears enchanted the bear and from that day the doll decided to be the child's mother, to protect her from harm. The child didn't know it at the time, but it wasn't her mother who was the witch. The Mother lied to protect her beloved daughter and sacrificed her life for her.

As years went by, the child realized her gifts. She would practice in secret with Mother Bear. It said that her magic grew so powerful that she created a separate reality, what we now call Ursitopia. A realm not unlike our own, where enchanted teddy bears live and thrive. It has become tradition for a sect of Bearlings to travel to the Human Realm to protect children, just as Mother Bear did so many years ago.

Code by Aurorean